* * * everyone, feel free to correct me, I am tired and my fingers are writing on their own right now without consulting the brain too much * * *
Montrealer, I get the feeling that you are not keeping a note of your results and your dosage. I am NOT a record-keeper (I never filled in to books that you used to get with your cheques from the bank !), but I do keep my dosing and results charts diligently. This is a serious thing, it is your life, and it could also mean your death. I mean to scare you here

, I think you need scared into realizing how serious this could be. If your INR goes too low, you run the risk of having a clot form in the heart and from there it can go anywhere in your body - legs, kidney, lung, brain. If that happens, that part of the body may actually be permanently damaged. A stroke can be caused by a clot in the brain. Gangrene can set in if it happens in other parts.
Keeping track of your INR is just as important, maybe even more important, than a diabetic keeping track of their insulin. Please, please take this seriously, and take some responsibility for your own safety. There are so many "professionals" out there that can not manage warfarin therapy that you may just have to take things into your own hands one of these days. I had a doctor in ER tell me at one time to stop taking it for 3 days, my INR was over 6. I just looked at him and said OK, came home and took half doses for 3 days. Warfarin metabolizes in about 3 days, and if I had stopped for 3 days, I would have had NONE left in my system.
I can tell you off the top of my head what my INR was the last time I tested (but I can't tell you what I had for supper last night) , and whether it was relatively stable (ie close to the one before) or if my dose had been adjusted up or down, I also know how any drugs I am likely to take (eg Tylenol, Immodium) will affect my INR, and so on and so on . . .
Having scared you (I hope

), I will now tell you the nicer stuff: once you get the hang of it, you won't be scared !
If you want, PM or e-mail me - both should be on my profile.
Here is a word doc with my INR record for those that care to view it: