Surgery on the 17th.

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
Fairfax Virginia
September must be the month for AVR. I was just informed that my surgery is scheduled for September 17th. I will have an aortic valve and a portion of my ascending aorta replaced. Now that is is official, my nerves are bad again. My surgery is moved to Inova Fairfax Hospital. A great facility and I am in great hands.

In the meantime, I have a Pulmonary Function test (PFT) tomorrow to rule out one last question, then the standard pre-op work up. Will start slowing down at work to spend more time with family as the date nears.

I'm glad you've got a date. I just put you on our calendar.
I've read good things about where your replacement will take place, so I'm sure you're in good hands.
Glad you have a date Victor. We look forward to helping you over the mountain.
Cool,you have a date and soon you can post us
of your speedy recovery and sucess story of reassurance!
not too much waiting left which can be hard on us...the wait
just remember you got all this support of wonderful people
here and all will go smoothly.....stay positive:)

zipper2 (DEB)
Hi Victor ~ I'm glad you got a date for your surgery...i'm green with envy as i keep waiting and waiting to hear when they're doing something with my valve. I can't wait until i get it done and over with and can get on with my life.

I'm sure you'll do just fine. My best wishes and prayers are with you. Take care, Dawn-Maire
Thank you all for your well wishes. I will feel more confident about everything after my PFT tomorrow. While I recognize that I need the valve and patch, I can't understand why I get short of breath even when I don't exert myself. I was dictating some work today just sitting in my office, the dictation caused me to get short of breath. It is all very frustrating and scary.

Hi Victor,
I wish you good luck and my prayers to you on your operation this Sept. My operation will be on Sept. 24th and im scared too!! My pre op is on sept. 16th. Mine is aortic valve replacement. I will keep you in my prayers.

I have had some nerves too, after getting over the cold that I had last week. I am getting pretty hinked out about the surgery, but we had a little cold snap this morning and I walked the dog a little faster than I ordinarily would. Felt a little numbness in both my arms, and was short of breath when I got back to the car from the trail. That made me realize that this is not really "elective" in the true definition of this term and reminded me that I would prefer to get it over with and not have these symptoms any longer.

Next year about this time I will be getting ready for hunting season! Good luck to you. :)
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I guess now I just mark time until the big day. I am sure all wil be fine, not something to look forward to, but as stated so aptly above, it is not like there is much of a choice.

Rob, I am missing opening day of deer season for the first time in a long while. We have an early archery season here that opens this Saturday. I hate missing the season, but as I tell my wife, I would rather miss one than all.

It helped me once I set the date for my surgery and started moving forward towards it. Best wishes on your surgery.

Good luck with your surgery. I had AVR on Aug 6. I was terrified, and it's not nearly as bad as I made it out to be. Besides, I like this side of the dirt better.

As far as hunting season goes, this past Saturday was opening of dove season. As you can guess, I missed it. Oh, well. Here's to better days.


Congrats on your successful AVR. I hope your recovery is smooth. Dove season also opened here and you guesed it, I missed that too. There is always next year. Say, if there are more hunters here, perhaps we can all get together when we are on your side of the mountain for a weekend of dove or upland hunting hunting sometime.

Congrats on your successful AVR. I hope your recovery is smooth. Dove season also opened here and you guesed it, I missed that too. There is always next year. Say, if there are more hunters here, perhaps we can all get together when we are on your side of the mountain for a weekend of dove or upland hunting hunting sometime.

Sounds good to me. Any excuse to go hunting is a good thing.

Hi Victor,
I am sending my prayers and very best wishes your way and will be thinking of you on the 17th. My very best wishes for a smooth and uneventful recovery.
Best wishes with surgery tomorrow and wishing you a speedy recovery.

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