Antibiotics before pap smear?

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Active member
Jun 5, 2008
Manchester, NH, USA
Probably a stupid question AVR was 2 1/2 months ago and I received a St. Jude's mechanical. This week I am due for my annual pap smear. Is it necessary to pre-medicate with antibiotics prior to a pap smear procedure? I know I need to pre-medicate prior to dental work but there was never any mention of doing it for a pap smear.
I've never seen any information about the need or suggestion to premedicate for a pap smear.
I never have premedicated before my annual physical. I'll run that past my PCP on my next visit.
Probably a stupid question AVR was 2 1/2 months ago and I received a St. Jude's mechanical. This week I am due for my annual pap smear. Is it necessary to pre-medicate with antibiotics prior to a pap smear procedure? I know I need to pre-medicate prior to dental work but there was never any mention of doing it for a pap smear.

It's not a stupid question! The same thing occurred to me. If you're supposed to medicated before any dental work that MIGHT make you bleed, it only makes sense to assume that you need to medicate before a procedure that is DESIGNED to make you bleed.

That said, our mouths are supposed to be filled with lethal bacteria, and our cervixes do not have that reputation, so maybe the doctors do not think that a pap smear will cause bacteria to travel throughout bloodstreams to our hearts.

Personally, I was going to ask my gyno if I should take antibiotics before my pap smear, and I was just sort of assuming she would say yes. So ask your gyno, and we'll find out how "sterile" our cervixes are!
Probably a stupid question AVR was 2 1/2 months ago and I received a St. Jude's mechanical. This week I am due for my annual pap smear. Is it necessary to pre-medicate with antibiotics prior to a pap smear procedure? I know I need to pre-medicate prior to dental work but there was never any mention of doing it for a pap smear.

This is a serious question and an OB/GYN very likely won't know the answer -- or which antibioitic, if necessary.
I would ask the cardio or surgeon and then tell the OB/GYN what they said, if necessary.
The doctor(s) may just suggest you delay it a few months.
It's not a stupid question! The same thing occurred to me. If you're supposed to medicated before any dental work that MIGHT make you bleed, it only makes sense to assume that you need to medicate before a procedure that is DESIGNED to make you bleed.

That said, our mouths are supposed to be filled with lethal bacteria...

It's not that we're supposed to medicate for dental procedures that might make us bleed. We should medicate for any dental procedure where the gum tissue is manipulated. As you say, there are some nasty bacteria that live just under the gum tissue, next to the teeth. THAT is why we medicate...not because of bleeding. It just happens that MOST of us bleed when the gum tissue is manipulated.

With that said, I don't believe that we need to premedicate for a pap smear, but if you're concerned, contact your cardiologist.
It isn't normal to bleed during or after a PAP smear. My GP does mine and he certainly didn't feel the need to give me antibiotics and he is very careful of my health needs. He keeps himself up to date on my needs as I am his only patient with two mechanical valves, I think.
Thank you all for your wise responses. For my own peace of mind, I'm going to postpone my OB/GYN visit until I have a chance to talk with my cardiologist (who I see this Thursday). I'll let you know what he says.
Antibiodics before Pap Smear

Antibiodics before Pap Smear

Hello, I just wanted to say that I had my avr with St. Jude's mechanical 12/07/06 and had an annual exam and pap smear on 01/11/07. Was told it was not a problem and did not need antibiodics. But please do check with your cardiologist.

I've never heard of having to do that and I've had my St. Jude for almost 17 years.
I have never been given antibiotics for a pap smear and my ob is very careful to give them to me any time he feels it is necessary. I had huge bags of antibiotics with the birth of both of my children as well as a tubal ligation, hysterectomy and when I had to have a biopsy because of questionable pap.
I'm hoping the answer is "no", since I just had a Pap smear this past Thursday and never gave premedicating a moment's thought! My AVR was last May. I'll be watching for the verdict, but, whatever it is, it's too late for me!
I'm hoping the answer is "no", since I just had a Pap smear this past Thursday and never gave premedicating a moment's thought! My AVR was last May. I'll be watching for the verdict, but, whatever it is, it's too late for me!
I would think that the possibility of premedicating would be a very individual circumstance, depending on many unique variables, etc.

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