ABIT of TICKING goin on!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
HI you all,
Still kicking and ticking although did land in hospital last friday
decided to pass out......:eek:...oh well wasn't there long and
the longest is getting something done with me...i advocated myself
on a phonecall to Edmonton and was told the Dr. on holidays would be back
the 12th,now the office is closed for 2 weeks which they didn't offer to tell
us.....however ended up on some water pill here and dropped 5 lbs of water:eek:alot i know but least now the mechanical valve ticker can be heard
with a stetoscope.....Just wondering if it's normal to be sooooooo thirsty with
water pills he gave me 40mg. daily of Furosemide,i feel like i'm defeiting the whole purpose cus of so much fluid intake now.
They are figuring i need to split into half twice daily,so i don't pass out,which i have for a week now cus i passed out the 2nd day i took it.Also that 5 lbs of water was one day overnite is that alot in one day or not?

Anyone wondering on my moms condition the pain remains for her and 3rd ct scan is next week for her she was in hospital for a week and let home,but tests are inconclusive and more being done yet.If i at least feel an inkling better i may drive up next week,take some time off work i,ve been saving
for my heart valve trip to Edmonton the time but i just am not waiting anymore.....it could well never come and either way lifes short.
Thought id update you all as im on and off site,as were real busy at work and short staffed ....holidays and all and to let yous know i'm feeling my worst
some days after a shift....Water pills have helped tremendously but my hearts
doin alot of weird things and beats when it wants too,a really bad cold too
and am on amoxillin 3 x daily so trying to fight all this is a losing battle the last 2 weeks for me and soooooooo Tired good part of the time,so please put up with me this way as im still reading and praying.......Just not typing(LOL)

Zipper2 (DEB)
Glad to hear your still ticking there Zipper and now them doctors can hear it. But passing out is not a good thing. I think its time for you to threaten those bad guys with your pepper spray, so you don't have to work so hard. (smile)
Wish your mom was feeling better.
Thanks for checking in, but check in more often okay?
K like were SOOO busy but hey i saw one of your posts
on not having to pay for your valve in Canada

IS THIS WHY I"M STILL WAITING (LOL)You know Freddie :eek:
nothings gonna move fast unless it has too,other wise we wait
the wait. I'm taking deep breaths again im off for 3
(I HOPE):eek:

Hi Deb, It's really sad that you are not being given priorty at that hospital.
My doc used to tell me to park my butt in their ER if I thought that I was being ignored and needed help.
Best wishes to your Mom also!
Hey Bina i'm just not letting the sick get to me yet:eek:

So yep i passed out that Friday but the water pill was busily
working and it was due to strenght of was too high,too fast
iv'e never been on any kind of a water pill,this was a first for
me.I think they woulda moved me quick if it was a heart thingy.
Yes ive had two echos done in last 2 months and have been told
with both i need a mvr and the numbers aren't great and the heart
failures at a bad point and a cardiologist who wants me to go to
Edmonton along with a family Dr. request also.I spoke to the office
in Edmonton and the dr i see there is away till the 12th of aug. then
i'm sure hes back now and the girl at desk said my stuff is sitting for
him to deal with upon return on 12th. and he's got 3 referrals on me
and they will be getting ahold of me soon upon his return.in the mean
i learn more patience,i get to be home,and thank GOD for each day
that i wait for this appointment,even though yeah i'm getting:mad:
at times when some days are worse than others for me and i think
oh i'm not gonna make it when my headaches so bad,i'm bawling in
in my DH's arms or i can't get up those steps today for sob or can i
do a shift or double today at work or forget i can't enjoy that walk
with my family,the swelling was so bad i pleaded for a water pill as
my family Dr. was too afraid after Reginas echo and instructions to
wait till Edmonton for any med changes as even Regina had refused
make changes with meds,i decided to advocate myself and discuss
what changes if any Regina would make in their letter i have a copy of
We went for some changes and i'm feeling like i can deal with these
valve symptoms abit now,my inr is stable at 3.5 always where they
it and i don't know what more we can do to put a rush on this
appt. for edmonton other than theres more people that need help
right now worse than me i guess and one day at a time,i hope to
get there in this shape i'm at and not worse for wear and tear
than i'm at already.Yes it could be worse,but im not going there
and 16 years ago Bina i had to get them to drag me in for sake
i was in denial about heart surgery,till i dropped and i don't feel like
i did 16 years ago with the aortic bileaflet had to be replaced.

So don't worry im gonna get to Edmonton soon enough but their
time not mine and just finding one good thing in my day is all i
need to get through yet another day of (WAIT) and feeling ******.

AAWWWE you all know i never had VR 16 years ago and it keeps me
goin ,im serious all the crap i'd have saved myself back then if id known
what i do today,the fear the choices,the agony of not believeing this is
happening to me and i'm the only one in the world feeling.
Thank God for all of you here:):):)

Hi Deb,

It's good to see you posting. You are truly in a difficult spot right now but it's bound to get better. Hopefully, you've heard something today and will be on the summit assault really soon. Damn, you've had a tall mountain to climb for a prairie girl, but you've been on the peak before, so you've got proof that it can be conquered. I'm still willing to get to Edmonton to visit you after surgery, as I said, it'll do my heart good to be on the good side ;) of those bed sheets.

Take Heart, the mountain's only as tall as you make it and you know your way down the other side already. We'll be waiting ...
Finally,finally some hope!!!!!

Finally,finally some hope!!!!!

Pam sorry i didn't answer sooner and to all awaiting,
I got a call at work regarding address and regarding they
calling my family Dr. to get afew questions confirmed.
They are to be calling my family Dr. tomorrow and then i will
be given an appt. date etc to go up there so should hear very soon
and apologies from them to me on this waiting they stated.
Anyhow seems like theres still hope in all this,the main thing
can i make a little bit more of waiting:eek:
Sure i can,i think(LOL),at least it was a call of hope and they remember
i,m waiting for them,or maybe they're seeing if i'm still around (LOL)
anyhow i pray to God they phone my family Dr. tomorrow as they said they
will.Thats all i can tell you for now.


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