hi everyone! i'm back.......i had posted that i was having problems-no appetite,nausea,mega shortness of breath. saw my surgeon's nurse practioner on the 16 and was told"it's anxiety"
i KNEW something was wrong! when ya walk DOWN 6 stairs and have to catch your breath.....so wednesday the 18,i was to see my PCP. i felt so bad,i wanted to cancel! imagine-too sick to see a doc!i had hubby take me. i was so weak,dizzy,short of breath,i couldn't shower. used some hospital wipes. my PCP is THE best and she knew it was NOT "anxiety" went for stat echo-fluid around my heart!!!!!!!!! the 19th,they did a pericardial window and removed over 600 cc!!!!!oh-and my inr in the er was 30 !
i am lucky to be alive! they gave me ffp-fresh frozen plasma-has the clotting stuff in it. and vitamin k. kidneys weren't doing so hot either. but all is well now. supposedly-i am BEAT !!!!!!! i feel more sore all over and wore out after the 2nd surgery. it was minor -compared to the 1st surgery!!!!so-they kept me there over a week,on heparin.went from one extreme to another. i also think the surgeon kept me there to be safe cuz HIS nurse blew me off........trish