There is nothing wrong with the carbomedics valve I just really wanted the On-X because of the possibiltiy that just maybe down the road I might not have to take warafin. I know that is not a for sure thing but the hope is there and the valve is also supposed to be less damaging to the blood cells. I am upset that had they communicated and Dr. Riordan told me they had I would have had the valve I wanted. The fact that one of the top five heart surgeons in the country prefers the carbomedics is good enough for me that if it comes down to it I will gladly take the valve and be happy.
Thank you all for your replies. Oaktree, yours made me cry. Those are all the things I worry about and the most is leaving my daughter. Her dad already left before she was born never to return and I don't want to be the next one to leave her. She needs me so much. We have such a great life together.
I will just have to have faith and leave it in God's hands to do with as He will. Thank you so much for your kind words, it was like you looked right into my heart.