Granbonny's Birthday

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Happy Birthday Bonnie. I still miss your posts full of humor, insight, love and good old fashioned jabbing! :D Nobody could "get you" better than Bonnie. She was a delight.
Happy Heavenly Birthday Bonnie....

Whenever I think of Bonnie I remember the picture of her with those coconut shells on her hooters from the reunion and her beautiful smiling face.
I don't think I've ever missed someone I've never met in person the way I miss Bonnie. Each time I log on to VR I think of her. Reading your stories today has brought tears to my eyes. Tears of both happiness for having known such a wonderful woman, and also sadness that she is not here to make us laugh for herself.

Adriane, your story about your mama's mammogram comment made me smile. She was such a wonderfully funny woman with a positive outlook on everything. Thank you for sharing her with us, and for sticking around. You're a part of our family too!

Bonnie, Happy Birthday, my friend! We love you like no other!
Happy Birthday To Our Bon Bon and To Glenda

Happy Birthday To Our Bon Bon and To Glenda

I am missing Bonnie every bit as much as I miss my own family. I sure do wish that I had the chance to have met such a gracious, humble, loveable and caring southern belle. Glenda, I hope you have had a wonderful birthday and you are feeling terrific....I think I speak for all of us when I say that you and our Bon Bon hold VERY SPECIAL places in our hearts Sending Up ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) For Bonnie, and (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Straight out to you Glenda. Harrybaby:D:D:D
Happy Birthday to my birthday twin and an angel in heaven. I was so thankful to share my birthday with this special lady, although we had never met in person I felt like I knew her. In talking on the forum back in forth, we were alike in so many ways. I know one of these day's I'll meet my special friend in heaven and we'll have a lot to share.

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!
I still regret being "so close yet so far away" from Bonnie twice in the last few years. Ever since a fellow MC owner was killed in a rain-enhanced accident several years ago near Little Rock Arkansas, I have strived to take road trips and meet people along the way. I don't get to see everyone I want, but I meet quite a few. Bonnie, however, was not one of them.

Happy Birthday, Bonnie.

And, Glenda...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, too.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"The thing I find most amazing in amazing grace is the chance to give it out" ... Brandon Heath ... 'I'm Not Who I Was'
my meeting with Bonnie story: Daughter lives in Atlanta and I was going to visit her. Told her the one thing I wanted to do while there was to go meet and visit my dear Bonnie. Called Bonnie and said 'I'm comin to visit you'. She said 'come on'. We got there that morning and she, along with John, Kameron and Carola was right there at the planned meeting spot and I knew her instanly. We hugged and hugged and had instant bonding as we had in VR and email. We spent the whole day together. She was so gracious. We had pictures of us holding a big bag of grits, with a fake bear, and me trying to listen to her heart ticker. She gave me a gift bag and in it was a can of potted possum! She was the epitome of what southern belle means. I am born in Ga but am not a southern belle like Bonnie. Meeting Bonnie was so very special. We were fast friends and I miss her every single day.

Reading all these posts today has been so nice and, like some of the rest of you I am sure, brought the tears all over again.

Happy Birthday my dear Bonnie. You are in my heart and so many others. Thank you, God, for allowing me to know your special child and I know you will make her birthday a celebration in Heaven.

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