Nutritional supplements and warfarin suggestions

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2005
If I ever thought it was tough to get a proper INR with just valves I do now know it is real tough with liver cancer. My husband has a blood clot in his leg from the ankle to groin and cancer in three organs. He cannot eat and his liver is giving his INR alot of trouble...Again I am so thankful for having a home tester. I would like to know if there are any nutritional supplements we could use that won't screw up his INR even more. Our daughters are having a life celebration party next weekend so he is trying hard to build some strength for it. His oncologist gave him about a month to live and he is now so weak and frail that any amount of nutrition would help. Any suggestions.


i am sorry too for your husbands situation, you have my thoughts and prayers and it is a very nice idea for the life party, i hope that it goes well and he feels better. dont know much about meds, am still learning about everything here. good luck.
alpha 1
When my Mom was finally losing the battle of her many medical problems, she would not eat. The hospital recommended a supplement, probably alot like Ensure, but these were for specific medical needs. In my Mom's situation, she had kidney failure; the supplements were in a "juice box" size and format and we were able to have a courrier deliver them to the house.
I hope your husband is able to enjoy his party next weekend. Best wishes.
*I am so very sorry for you, your husband and your family. I think to celebrate your husbands life is a wonderful idea.

I thought I would tell you about my brother. He got cancer in his pancreas, which spread to his liver. He was very ill and in hospital. On the Friday he discharged himself saying he wanted to spend the weekend with his wife and 2 children. They went away for a few days break together. On the monday evening they had to return home as he was in a lot of pain. Sarah (his wife) got the kids to bed while my brother took a bath, they got a babysitter over, and phoned for a taxi to get to the hospital (he wouldnt call for an ambulance)....on the way to the hospital he was is a lot of pain, he rested his head on his Sarah's shoulder and when they got to the hospital, which was only about 3 or 4 minutes away, she realised he was dead. He was only 34 years old. 8-(

Sorry to hear about your husband's illness.

Because warfarin is metabolized in the liver, anything that affects the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.) would affect the INR. It would be difficult to guess what your husband could take that would help the situation.
Have you asked your husband's doctors for suggestions?

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