Sad news - after my good recovery

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2007
Boston, Massachusetts
Hello -

I had MV replacement a year ago tomorrow - 5/23/08. It went well; I have exercised and eaten diligently; I have recovered well and now do everything I did pre-illness. I even rock climb better than I did then.

I have a cousin who was not so fortunate. He had a congenitally defective AV and has had four replacement surgeries. In one of those, he got a bad transfusion and contracted Hep C. This severely damaged his liver.

About a month ago, he contracted endocarditis again (he has had it many times now) which damaged his MV and AV both. He needed surgery again. He did not survive. The damage to his liver was so severe and his clotting factors so messed up that he essentially bled to death in the OR.

I did not know him well; his death saddens me. By all accounts he was a good man with two grown children and a loving wife. He had a tough life dealing with his damaged heart and it ended too soon.

I'm sorry to read the news about your cousin. My condolences.
What a sad story. He was a very brave man and endured way too much. Life just isn't fair sometimes.

You have my sympathies. So sorry.
John?I would also like to extend my condolences?.He fought the good fight and died too young?..

This story makes me feel a bit ashamed?.I have been one of the fortunate ones with almost no post surgery issues?.Yet I find myself getting caught up in the everyday issues of work, relationships, gas prices?.you get the picture?.Thanks for sharing this?.It has forced me to stop and give thanks, to see the selfishness of my actions and attitudes and vow to embrace this new lease on life I have been given by being more loving and tolerant.

Please extend my sympathy and prayers to his family.

So very sorry to hear this. Praying for your entire family. Things like this are reminders of how very lucky we all are to still be here.
John, I'm so glad you continue to do so well. It is sad that the same wasn't true for your cousin. I agree with Nancy that he just had to endure too much. I hope he is now in the place where all pain has vanished.
Rejoice in the life my cousin had

Rejoice in the life my cousin had

Hello -

Several people have said my cousin was unfortunate to go so young (55) and that is true. Also true, however, is that he lived a good life in spite of his life-long heart problems.

Rich was born in 1953 and had his first AV replacement in the 1960's - the very early years of OHS. He went to school and became a lawyer. Over the course of his life, he had 4 valve replacements. According to Rich's brother, Rich never expected to grow up, to get married, or to have children. He did all of those things. He had two sons - both now grown - and, shortly before his death, celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary.

I'm sorry that he died and that he had so much heart trouble through his life. I'm also glad he made so much of his life as he did. He is a model of courage which I define as perserverance and good-nature in the face of fear and adversary.

Thank you for your notes of sympathy. Please also know I am proud of my cousin and how he lived his life.


I have a cousin who was not so fortunate. He had a congenitally defective AV and has had four replacement surgeries. In one of those, he got a bad transfusion and contracted Hep C. This severely damaged his liver.


As you stated, it sounds like your cousin faced his challenges with 'courage'. My condolences for your loss.

Your comment about the "bad transfusion" caught my attention. Do you know WHEN that happened ? (say in the past 5 or 10 years, or way before that timeframe?)

Surgeons seem to discourage "self-donation" citing advances in 'safeguarding the blood supply' etc. IF your cousin's "bad transfusion" happened in the last 5 or 10 years, that would raise my concern about the safety of receiving blood products.

'AL Capshaw'
Bad transfusion was in the early 80's - screening started in 1990

Bad transfusion was in the early 80's - screening started in 1990

Hello -

I don't know exactly when my cousin contracted Hep C through a transfusion but it was sometime in the early 1980's.

A quick web search showed that Hep C was isolated and identified in 1989 and blood screening for Hep C started in the US in 1990.

I've been following this thread just haven't posted but wanted you to know how sorry I am that you lost someone dear to you.

I was also watching about the blood and I had my first blood when I had surgery 4 months ago and was never given the choice to store my own. I couldn't have because of anemia anyway.

Thanks for sharing
Hello -

Several people have said my cousin was unfortunate to go so young (55) and that is true. Also true, however, is that he lived a good life in spite of his life-long heart problems.

Rich was born in 1953 and had his first AV replacement in the 1960's - the very early years of OHS. He went to school and became a lawyer. Over the course of his life, he had 4 valve replacements. According to Rich's brother, Rich never expected to grow up, to get married, or to have children. He did all of those things. He had two sons - both now grown - and, shortly before his death, celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary.

I'm sorry that he died and that he had so much heart trouble through his life. I'm also glad he made so much of his life as he did. He is a model of courage which I define as perserverance and good-nature in the face of fear and adversary.

Thank you for your notes of sympathy. Please also know I am proud of my cousin and how he lived his life.


John,too often we end up looking only at the storm clouds and not at the blue skies that they are in. Your post is a good reminder to all of us to never overlook all the wonderful things in our lives. Thanks
John, I'm so very sorry to hear your sad news. Life is so harsh sometimes. It often makes no sense and seems very unfair. I hope you and the rest of his family can come to terms with this loss - especially his wife and children. Albeit that they are grown up, it's still devastating to lose a parent isn't it.

All the best, Lynn

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