Thankyou for your responses and sharing them with me.
Like every story there is a beginning, some extravagent, some accidental, some totally uncomprehendable, some just plain old unexplainable???... It all started a few weeks leading up to the diagnosis of having BAV after falling ill with bacteiral endocarditis. I was a fit and healthy young teenager, sports were a huge part of my life, I had no known medical problem at all. At the age of 16 for several weeks I had an uneasy feeling that something bad was going to happen to me. I had a reoccuring dream that I was in hospital with a white sheet over my entire body and head with the curtains drawn. I saw my family and friends stand before me crying as if I were deceased, but the whole time I was under the sheets playing a practical joke. When they left I pulled the sheets off and peeled the curtains away yelling 'hey everybody, I'm OK!' but I was in an empty hospital with nobody in sight. I had this same dream every night for weeks.. had I have heeded this early and morbid warning my life would be different today.
Not long after by coincidence I went to the movies on my first ever date with a girl I had strong feelings for named Rebecca... the movie was called 'Ghost' with Patrick Swayze, you know the one. In the movie theatre my uneasy feeling become overwhelming.... I knew something was wrong. That night when I got home I fell ill, vomiting, fever, lethargy, dizziness, hot and cold sweats...
The next day I awoke with a knowing feeling that during the course of the day my fever was increasing in severity. I kept thinking back to my dream - was this the beginning of the end?

I can remember not being able to walk, control my body movements or functions. I could not bathe myself without my father helping me. I remember going to the toilet in my own clothes without even realising it??? I was of healthy mind but trapped in a body that wasnt working? My mind was processing a billion thoughts at a time - what is wrong with me????

I retired that night with temperatures around the 42 degree celcius mark.
In the middle of the night something woke me up. The night was silent and still and not a glimmer of light in sight. I lost all sense of feeling ill and had the strength to raise my head to find my mother in the doorway in a whiteish grey coloured nightgown. I could not see her face just her long hair and nightgown forming a soft light silhouette in the dark. I remember having the feeling of serenity, love, peace, but not just any love the kind you experience as a child in the loving arms and protection and care of your parents. It is still undescribable today as nothing has ever come close to it. I can remember communicating without talking???? I looked up and thought 'thankyou for coming in to check up on me' and although I could not see her face or hear her words she wanted to let me know that she was there watching over me and that I will be alright. I lay my head back down and snuggled back into the pillow absorbing the feeling that I had just experienced
The next morning when I spoke to my mother I thanked her for coming in to check up on me during the night. She in turn denied doing so and thought that I was kidding. I laughed and argued, 'no seriously, thanks because I really needed it'. She again replied firmly that she did not come in to check up on me at all, in fact she had slept like a baby all night. I began to cry as I could not comprehend the fact that my mother was playing such a terrible trick on me. She looked me in the eyes and asked me what I had seen. In a split second she dropped to the floor on her knees in tears, bowed her head with hands in prayer... she then stood up, embraced me in a tight hug with tears running down her face. The kissed my forehead and gently explained that I must have been visited by our holy Mother. I cried and refused to believe her as I just could not believe what I did not understand. It wasnt until she showed me our statue of the blessed Mary in the loungeroom when it finally dawned on me like a tonne of bricks... it wasnt a silhouette of a nightgown and long hair that I had seen, the silhouette was someone dressed the same in draping clothes! To this day I cannot deny the feelings that I experienced, the communication, and the vision - they were all real! just as real as the keyboard and monitor before me this very moment in time. I know I felt an intense feeling of motherly love..... but was it? could it have been? Was it really her or a guardian angel? I will never know as she did not tell me who she was. But what I do know is that my mother took the visitation as a spiritual sign from above and quickly rushed me to hospital. You see mother is Macedonian from a very religious and dedicated Greek Orthadox background. My father, a dedicated Roman Catholic from Croatia.
At first when I was taken to hospital the emergency room told my parents to take me back home because it appeared to them that I was on drugs because by that time I was talking jibberish and acting drunken without the strength to walk or manouvre properly - no motor skills at all. My parents argued with the emergency room that I was 16 years old and not the type of boy to be taking drugs. They said 'give him a pandol/aspirin and send him home to sleep it off'. My parents absolutely livid called our GP who asked to speak to the doctor on duty and ordered him to take another look because something must be seriously wrong. Well, as it turned out they discovered I had severe aortic regurgitation, my temperature was venturing over 42 degrees celcius and if I did not receive immediate attention I would have passed away in just a few hours. I received some kind of large epidural needle in the spine and began to drift in and out of consciousness... diagnosis - BAV with severe bacterial endocarditis. Solution - immediate OHS and Aortic valve replacement.
So began my baptism into many more unexplained visions, premonitions, flashbacks, out of body experiences and contact with the afterlife from that point on for years to come. I hope to share more with you in the coming days if you dont mind having a read of them. Thankyou for your time and the opportunity to share this experience with you.