I had my pre-op appointment yesterday and it made me a bit more nervous than I was before. The doctors didn't have a very good sense of the extent of my restrictive lung disease and had me do a last minute PFT. My volume is lower than it was a couple of years ago but thanks to my heart I am also really out of shape. I had a tiny UTI and he gave me cipro for that. The surgeons assistant was very nice and tried to reasssure me but it was a little difficult after the stupid comment made by a nurse. She asked me if I was scared for which I of course said yes and she said "if it were me I would be scared to death" Gee thanks lady. The staff apologized many times and the surgeons assistant stayed with me off and on for the next 4 hours that I was there for tests. I did get to see what my room will look like which was nice. They suggested bringing a comfortable pillow from home which I will. I am about half-way packed and I made last minute plans to have someone watch my daughter that day instead of taking her with us to the hospital. I am afraid I will be too nervous in the car on the way there and scare her. Well I am off to have a much needed glass of wine and a good game of Mario Party 8 on the Wii with my daughter. I love that Wii more than she does I think.

Thanks for everyones well wishes and I will post when I can but I don't have internet at home I use my laptop at my moms. I will try to have her post but as she will be my "nurse" at my house it may be a while. Thanks to all and I hope to join everyone on the other side of the mountain as you say.