a little hiatus for surgery and treatment

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Just wanted to let you all know that I will be taking a little hiatus- checking in, but not posting that much. It has now been three weeks since I had an abnormal mammo, ultrasound and a subsequent biopsy that proved positive for invasive ductal carcinoma. I've gone to the Yale Breast Center in New Haven and met with the surgeon there yesterday. Fortunately, it is very small (about 1cm) and hormone receptive, so he is very optimistic, that a lumpectomy with radiation and hormones ( no chemo) is all that will be needed. Of course, that all depends upon the pathology at the time of surgery on June 3rd. So please keep your fingers crossed for me. I am feeling much more optimistic about it now and looking forward to a visit from my daughter Nancy, Jack and Harry next week which will be a nice diverson before surgery. I will keep all you wonderful people in my thoughts and prayers and Mary has generously offered to take over the surgery notices on her own for a while ( I am sure she would appreciate any help you care to give;)) I have read over a lot of Nancy's posts when she went through this and as always, she has given me inspiration to "never give up and never give in"!
Gosh, Phyllis-

I must have missed the posts about your mammo. Went through this in 2004. Mine was a little larger, so I needed chemo along with radiation and of course surgery. But there was no involvement with the lymph nodes.

It is a difficult time in your life, but just take one small step at a time and you will certainly get through it.

My surgery wasn't too bad. I didn't find it terribly painful. There is a drain that some people get sent home with, but that doesn't last long. The most important thing is to make sure to ask your surgeon about when you can start doing arm exercises to keep your arm flexible. They do a lot of messing around with that area of the body, and if you don't get it straightened out flexibility wise early on, your range of motion in that arm will be very limited.

After chemo, radiation was "nothing" to me, no problems at all, just some sunburning. Some women get tired, but I didn't. I guess I was so relieved to be done with chemo.

I was able to do all of my ordinary routine things except for a couple of days after surgery.

I'll be thinking about you and will say some prayers for a good recovery and path report.

Sorry you have to go through this.
It is always better to catch problems early when they can be treated most effectively.

My first thought after reading the proposed treatment plan is "What can they do to shield / protect your Heart and Lungs from the Radiation?"

Radiaition Oncologists seem to have the attitude that "the Benefits outweigh the Risks" and (in the past anyway) never or rarely mentioned that Radiation could damage those vital organs.

As a Radiation Survivor with a Radiation Damaged Heart, my recommendation is to have a discussion with your Radiation Oncologist about the latest techniques to minimize Radiation Damage to your Heart, Lungs, and Thyroid.
Dear Phyllis, Im so sorry to see what you are going through. You sound very positive and strong (no surprise there) so I will pray for you to stay that way and have a great outcome from the surgery and recovery. ((((( HUGS ))))) AND PRAYERS FROM ACROSS THE POND.
It is always better to catch problems early when they can be treated most effectively.

My first thought after reading the proposed treatment plan is "What can they do to shield / protect your Heart and Lungs from the Radiation?"

Radiaition Oncologists seem to have the attitude that "the Benefits outweigh the Risks" and (in the past anyway) never or rarely mentioned that Radiation could damage those vital organs.

As a Radiation Survivor with a Radiation Damaged Heart, my recommendation is to have a discussion with your Radiation Oncologist about the latest techniques to minimize Radiation Damage to your Heart, Lungs, and Thyroid.
Al, I have read up on this and fortunately it is the right breast which they claim will not effect the heart as the left breast would. However, when I meet with the radiologist after surgery and before radiation, this topic will definitely be on the table!
Thanks Nancy, I know I can always count on you for good advice. I will keep in touch and hope for the same good results you had.
I'm glad you decided to share your news with the entire VR family so you can benefit from the same love and support that you provide to members getting ready for replacement.
I am confident that all will be well, and you will be better than ever (that's setting the bar high!;):p) in no time.:)
Love, hugs, and prayers coming your way.
Oh My Heavans Phyllis....

Oh My Heavans Phyllis....

You most certainly have my prayers and thoughts and everything else that goes along with recovery from your surgery. Here's wishing you nothing but the best care and the best recovery. Harrybaby:D:D:D
Our prayers and best wishes are being sent for you Phyllis. Thank God for mammograms. My mother hadn't had one in ten years prior to her doctor requiring she get one before he would fill her hormone prescription. They found her cancer, which was very aggressive. Without the mammogram, she wouldn't be with us now.

Wishing you all the best with your surgery and recovery.
Phyllis, you have my very best wishes that all will go well for you; take care :) . And please give us updates when you can.
Sorry you have to endure this, but glad that it was found while it's small and something can be done to stop it. Prayers to you from me!

I wish you all the very best. I can tell you from experience that this type of treatment works very well for small cancers and is much easier to tolerate than chemo. I am very happy they seemed to have caught it early.

You are in my prayers and hope to have you back with us full speed very soon.

God Bless and Godspeed.
Phyllis, My thoughts and good wishes to you. Sounds like you are in great hands and that all will be well. Best regards, Barbara

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