Just wanted to let you all know that I will be taking a little hiatus- checking in, but not posting that much. It has now been three weeks since I had an abnormal mammo, ultrasound and a subsequent biopsy that proved positive for invasive ductal carcinoma. I've gone to the Yale Breast Center in New Haven and met with the surgeon there yesterday. Fortunately, it is very small (about 1cm) and hormone receptive, so he is very optimistic, that a lumpectomy with radiation and hormones ( no chemo) is all that will be needed. Of course, that all depends upon the pathology at the time of surgery on June 3rd. So please keep your fingers crossed for me. I am feeling much more optimistic about it now and looking forward to a visit from my daughter Nancy, Jack and Harry next week which will be a nice diverson before surgery. I will keep all you wonderful people in my thoughts and prayers and Mary has generously offered to take over the surgery notices on her own for a while ( I am sure she would appreciate any help you care to give
) I have read over a lot of Nancy's posts when she went through this and as always, she has given me inspiration to "never give up and never give in"!