What to do with INR 5.1?

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
Ahhh the ever changing INR issues...thank goodness for this forum. Ok we just tested with our new home testing strips (we FINALLY got them) and after dripping blood all over the carpet his INR came up 5.1? So now that he has stopped bleeding and is cleaning the carpet I am calm enough to ask the experts if this is ok to wait until morning to call into the clinic or if this is something to worry about tonight...just want piece of mind before going to bed.
Thank you all,
The first thing I do with an INR over 5.0 is to retest to make sure there was no error. Assuming it is correct, I would consider skipping the night's dose or only taking a half dose.

If there are no signs of any problems, the morning should be fine. No chandelier swinging tonight tho. ;):D;)
Mandy - what had his dose been. I take 82/week, so with a 5.1 I would just decrease 10 - 15%. Because a higher dose means the INR will drop more quickly when lowered. If he's on a low dose - it probably wouldn't hurt to hold a night and then decrease by 10%.

But we really need a bit more info.
Thank you...I have restricted him to sleeping only tonight! And we did retest...our luck it went up to 5.7. He already took his dose today so we will have to see what the clinic suggests tomorrow. It is just frustrating trying to get in range and going from Lovenox shots one day to high INR the next. I do feel much better having the home tester though...we could have gone a whole month with ups and downs and not been aware at all.
Thank you...I have restricted him to sleeping only tonight! And we did retest...our luck it went up to 5.7. He already took his dose today so we will have to see what the clinic suggests tomorrow. It is just frustrating trying to get in range and going from Lovenox shots one day to high INR the next. I do feel much better having the home tester though...we could have gone a whole month with ups and downs and not been aware at all.

Don't let them go crazy and have him hold 2 days. It will start him swinging all over the place (and not the good chandelier kind!;))

Sounds like holding a days dose is in order, and if it were me, I then would do a % adjustment. Hard to say what %, since I don't know his dose history.
PS - he'll be fine. I was 7.6 or so right after New Years a few years ago. Took the dog for a walk - he tripped me and I sent sailing - landing on my knees. I was fine. No big bleeding issues or nuttin'.


My check today indicated a INR of 5.1. I've been doing doses alternating between 10 mg and 7.5 mg. I took 5 mg today and will return to doing 7.5 on Friday and Saturday. Exercise and diet have my metabolic rate confused right now.

For me 5.1 is not a big problem; rather it just requires a small adjustment.


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