Susan BAV
Do you know what causes it? Does it tend to become a worsening experience or does it tend to weaken the lungs or does it come on weak lungs more often than healthy lungs or is there any connection whatsoever to pneumonia? What do you know about it?
It's very possibly no big deal; but I think this happened to me yesterday, for the first time in my 46 years. I've had excessive physical and emotional stress over the past several weeks and I unfortunately reached a very unusual state of hysterically crying. When the breathing problem started, I was pretty sure I was just hyperventilating. But it kind of scared me because it's never happened before.
I guess I'm kind of worried that my lungs might be a little weak. Recently I've regularly been around a few people with some contagious form of pneumonia, and although I've been feeling a bit weak, I think I've managed to dodge that bullet. But I've had a bit of a mild burning sensation, in my chest just near my left shoulder, off and on recently and also in the past couple of days I've had two strange moments where I briefly felt like I could faint. I haven't felt something like that since my valve was deteriorating; but my heart is beating a nice healthy thump-thump and not the pre-op slosh and gurgle, so I think my heart is okay and I don't see my cardio for another six months or so anyway.
But I was also kind of worried because my dad's lungs suffered recurring collapses several years before he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which reportedly can be genetic.
Anyway, I know practically nothing about lungs and this is all pretty unusual for me. I realize this is probably a pretty whiney post. Sorry. I may just get embarrassed and delete the whole thing
. But until I do, do you have any knowledge/experience you can offer? Thank you very much.
It's very possibly no big deal; but I think this happened to me yesterday, for the first time in my 46 years. I've had excessive physical and emotional stress over the past several weeks and I unfortunately reached a very unusual state of hysterically crying. When the breathing problem started, I was pretty sure I was just hyperventilating. But it kind of scared me because it's never happened before.
I guess I'm kind of worried that my lungs might be a little weak. Recently I've regularly been around a few people with some contagious form of pneumonia, and although I've been feeling a bit weak, I think I've managed to dodge that bullet. But I've had a bit of a mild burning sensation, in my chest just near my left shoulder, off and on recently and also in the past couple of days I've had two strange moments where I briefly felt like I could faint. I haven't felt something like that since my valve was deteriorating; but my heart is beating a nice healthy thump-thump and not the pre-op slosh and gurgle, so I think my heart is okay and I don't see my cardio for another six months or so anyway.
But I was also kind of worried because my dad's lungs suffered recurring collapses several years before he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which reportedly can be genetic.
Anyway, I know practically nothing about lungs and this is all pretty unusual for me. I realize this is probably a pretty whiney post. Sorry. I may just get embarrassed and delete the whole thing