Oaktree said:
But that's not the fault of the graft, nor does it mean that we shouldn't have gotten the graft. It's the fault of the funky aortic tissue that we have. That dacron graft is our only option if we want to go on living instead of keeling over from a rupture or dissection.
So now we're back to realizing that we have limited choices. Dacron is not as good as healthy aortic tissue, but healthy aortic tissue isn't one of our options. Our options are either to stick with our OEM funky tissue or switch to dacron.
The problem is that only the funkiest part of the funky tissue gets removed in an aneurysm resection, and the cut end of the aorta that the dacron sleeve gets sewn to may not be all that strong, either. We have to be protective of what aortic tissue we have left. I've been through aneurysm surgery twice, I don't want to go through it again.
Interesting oaktree. This post actually ties in nicely with my 10/12 week review that i am just back from. My ascending aorta was 4.5cm when my valve was being replaced for my AVR re-do 10/12 weeks ago. My surgeon had me prepared for either a Bentalls or an asending aorta replacement.
But when he went in, he discovered very "normal" strong aortic walls (thus aneurysm being caused by the re-gurgiataion and not the the BAVD itself), and no dilatation anywhere else.
He felt the best option for me was to conserve my own tissue and do a "reduction" aortoplasty" (used for small-moderate aneurysms) which reduced the size of my ascending aorta to less than 4cm. He explained to me today, that he felt this was the better option. He said that he would be very very surprised if it were ever to dilate again - particularly given the fact that the walls are strong and a new mechanical valve functioning normally.
When i asked, "why even take the chance"?, he exlained of the greater risk of getting an infection with a sleeve/graft....and the importance of maintaing one's own tissue if it is safe to do so. Bottom line...I didn't need it.
BTW he this guy has been operating since the 1970's and is an aortic specialist who does alot of Bentalls very successfully.....plus with my surgery being filmed it wouldn't have been good for his street cred to take the easy option

well that's the story i'm sticking to anyway!!
There are very few threads/posts on VR about this procedure, probably because it is not a good option for larger aneurysm's, thus we don't see a lot of it. I think "Bac Doc" had this done recently also.