History Repeating?????

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Ross please feel free to move this thread. Just didn't really know where to put it.

A bit of my medical history or the lack of.

March 18/07 - went ER because I couldn't breath - stayed in for one week for tests. Apparently had rheumatic fever when I was young - how young? I was never told.
March 30/07 - OHS - Mitral Valve replacement.

Now the short history. I'm healthy - no medical problems - I have no symptoms of any kind (or so I thought)
Back in the 90's and 00's, I would occasionally have a nap in the middle of the afternoon. If I kept myself busy I would be okay. I'd cough - only due to smoking

Now 11 months post-op, I'm finding myself napping again. It could be in the afternoon or in the evening or after supper. True, I'm getting over bronchitis, and I'm puttering around the house, but I'm diffidently not going full steam ahead - slow and steady.
I am coughing, clear crap - due to bronchitis (I think)(yes I'm still smoking about 5 a day)
So, I guess my question is, if the napping and the coughing were early signs of having a valve problem, and I'm having the same signs now, could I be having another valve problem?
11 months ago I was told it was only the mitral valve was in trouble, everything else looked really good. Even the follow-up tests at 3 months and at 6 months looked good - with no leakage.
I hope this make sense and I hope I'm not wasting you time. Perhaps I'm worrying for nothing. But your input would be appreciated - if any. Thanks
Thanks for the response Oaktree.
Next echo will be either in late March or early April. But I'll be seeing my GP (who has been more than excellent) before then.

I have had fatigue from time to time, usually when I've had bronchitis. Last summer I complained to my cardio of fatigue and described my schedule. He laughed and said, "Normal people would be tired with your schedule."
However, because bloodwork done at my annual physical in late April showed anemia, my cardio ordered more extensive blood tests plus blood cultures and set up a TEE.
The TEE showed paravalvular (sp?) regurgitation -- regurgitation around the ring the valve is sewn onto. I was told this is not uncommon and to take B-12 tablets.

I haven't had a repeat since then. However, I do pace myself more. No more staying up to 1 a.m. and getting up @ 6 a.m. for work. I try to get 7-8 hours' sleep each night. If I know I will have a late night due to travel, I get to sleep early for several nights before that. No more getting off work at 4 p.m. and driving 8-9 hours to get to a cat show. (The airlines love me now!)

I'm sure your problem is due to the bronchitis, but I would definitely call your PCP, at the least.
Hey Fred,
You are 11 mths post op and have been really pushing yourself to get back into the "normal" routine. A couple of times you have been sick, emotions are still fragile, and this all adds up to stress your system. Try to relax a bit, and if lying down for an hour does it, that's great!
Every afternoon I get under a blanket and lay down to watch TV for an hour. It really helps me to zone out for a bit. There's nothing wrong with that as long as we function and feel fine for the most part of our day. We ain't gettin' younger:rolleyes:
You will feel re-assured after your 1 yr check up. On my echos they check all valves.
(p.s. This kind of stuff you can post under Heart Talk)
Big Hug!

Bronchitis can sure throw you for a loop. But when you get checked out by your GP, maybe he/she can check to see if a murmur is detectable. Also, maybe your could get your cardio appointment moved up and get an echo done earlier. Just some thoughts.

Take care!
Thanks for the reassurance everyone.
Now I'm interested on find out more about this "para valvular regurgitation" and how could B-12 help?
Freddie ain't stressed, so stop telling her she is. Besides, my voices like her and told her to check her tire pressure. ;)
bronchittis my favorite!!!!!!!!

bronchittis my favorite!!!!!!!!

Freddie my concern is if you have issues get them checked
who am i to write im 2 years late for a cardio check-up oh oh i spilled the beans im late......but back to bronchittis im a favorite fan all the time,just getting over it and cuz of the coughing at night ,cant sleep soundly ,sore ribs from the coughing i found i was needing a nap at odd times of the day went to family phys. and thought maybe its my mitral as its bad im confident of that.....however we blamed it on bronchittis and i was put on crypto the worst enemy of my warfarin ,but bacteria was again in cultures of the blood
and we have to work fast when the bacteria comes into the picture
before the fevers hit me anyhow finished these bale size crypto pills ,cultures are fine now ....but had one heck of a case of bronchittis and coughing subsided tremendously and finding not wanting to nap as much so now i do know that takes alot out of me,dont know if your coughing or not but for
me its an unsettled sleep and so is a double shift which i did today
more reason to bring my immunity down but with this i close cuz not sure if coughings an issue for you and you should check it out

Freddie...you know the drill...when in doubt check it out...But I have had bronchitis that has kicked my ass...esspecially as a smoker (now x) I would get SOB. If you have a rescue inhaler hit that some. If it doesn't clear up call the doc.

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