This has been along week

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2008
Newport News, virginia
This week has been the longest it seems. With surgery the 12th it feels like this week is going by extra slow. Plus its been one thing after another. The surgeon told me to finish up my dental work. I went in for 2 simple fillings wednesday, but went back on thursday in so much pain. The 2 fillings he did had to be redone as root canals. HE medicated me with so much antibiotics in the dentist office that my stomache was in so much pain and i was vomitting. Then he had to shoot me up with 5 shots of anistetic which made my heart feel funny and skip beats and i started shaking all over. They called my mom to come to the office, i finally got alright and he did the root canals whick took about 3 hours. , but my jaw and face has been swollen and sore these past 2 days . But i finally managed to get all my last minute things done, and im ready and set to go on tuesday.

The pastor of my chuch is coming by on monday to be with me and my family . So im putting my faith in the man up stairs ( and my surgeon)That everything will go smoothly with my surgery.
Hope everyone is doing great.
Sarah -- ouch -- it sounds like that dental work was no fun, but if you've gotten that out of the way before your surgery, that's a good thing.

Sending you best wishes and prayers from out here in the Virginia mountains... confident you will do well. Keep us posted....
ouch! I have some 2-hour sessions at the dentist for regular fillings, and my jaw could ache for days just from having had to hold it "open wide" for so long, so I have some idea of how you must feel.

Good to get it done before hand, now all you have to concentrate on are those last final steps up . . . and over . . . the mountain. From your profile, you are young, and if you have no other serious medical conditions, should do just fine - see my recent post in post-surgery. I know the waiting and the fear are the worst part, but it is not as bad as you think - easy to say, I know!
Yep, seems to be a theme, i also had 4 wisdom teeth took out before heart surgery after putting it off for over 15 years...

It is best to get this done before surgery as you were told.

I can't remember if time dragged or not....seemed to drag in hospital waiting to get out but can't remember about before...

Anyway, good luck, not that you need it.

Sending you a great big HUG - so sorry that you had such an awful week! Waiting for surgery must be dreadfully nervewracking but to have had all that dental work to deal with also must have really been a challenge. I'm glad you sound "ready" now. You have my prayers and best wishes for an easy surgery and recovery.

Take Care!
All the best

All the best

Having pain and suffering already, and you haven't even taken the big step yet!
I had a tooth ache the morning I met my surgeon and of course, he said I had to have a dental certificate before surgery so I went to my dentist. He found nothing but clenched teeth and a tight jaw. He hugged me, gave me his cell phone number and a rubber thingy to wear at night if I got uptight. No problems since.
My surgery will be over by the time you start yours. Keep your chin up, even if it's aching.
Sorry about your mouth, best of luck with surgery and recovery, not long to go now, take care
Oh my what an experience with your teeth. Hope things go better for you now. Wishing you a successful surgery and a boring recovery.
Try to relax, read, listen to music, go to a movie. Get your mine off of your surgery for awhile.
Good luck and keep us posted
Sorry to hear about the teeth. Best to get it out of the way, though. Best wishes on Tuesday for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery. Try to enjoy yourself the next few days.
I think you have been though the worse already. :eek: It sounds like you have had more pain from your trip to the dentist then I had from my OHS.

I will keep you in my prayers. I will remember you at mass tomorrow. And Tuesday morning at school, I will send positive thoughts and prayers your way during our moment of silence.

You will be just fine. We will all be waiting to welcome you to this side of the mountain.

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