Cardio app.......

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hello everyone, I have an app with a cardio in Dublin on Feb 12 (next Tuesday) I have waited for this app for almost 4 months so I am very anxious about the visit.

Its soo important to me to get a good outcome from this visit. I need to say the right things, the right way (basically how unwell I feel). On my last visit in October, I brought 2 written lists of symptoms (as advised by my mentor NANCY :cool: and I 'thought' I explained how things were, but I was simply sent home with plans for an event monitor (again). I waited for nearly 3 months to have it done in my local hospital.

I am feeling so depressed at the moment that I dont know where or how I am going to handle this man. Also I am hoping that Thomas will be seen the same day (they havent let me know yet) so I am trying to sort out in my head what I need to say to get Thomas the treatment he needs.

Thats why I am starting this thread early, so I can get my thoughts organised and hopefully get some 'more' helpful input from you guys.

One more thing is that I have an infection in the root of my front tooth for over 2 years. I have had several courses of antibiotics, and the severe pain/throbbing etc clears up but on x-ray there is a pocket of 'infection'. The dentist said because it drains down through a hole which had appeared in the front of my gum its ok. It flares up, with a white head and pops almost every week. Should I mention this to the cardio also?? Could this be the cause of my swallowing problems ????

Thank you all in advance....any input is GREATLY APPRECIATED.
I'd mention everything just in case there is any correlation. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I hope for a good outcome for both you and Thomas. Best wishes and good luck.
Some of us here have evidently and unfortunately had our pre-op symptoms chalked up to feminine hysteria. I even took my husband with me the last time that I saw my (former) heartless cardio, pre-op, and he strongly confirmed my explanations to that inept excuse for a physician, but to no avail.

So, be sure and also take copies for him of your important tests and stuff, because sometimes tests and reports and things don't get forwarded from one office to another like they should, and he needs to see what you've been going through.

Calm yourself, take slow deep breaths, be sure and make eye contact, and clearly present your facts. In the past when I was less-experienced, sometimes when I finally got one of my family members in to see a doctor that we had been waiting to see, I was so relieved that I just assumed the doctor would know what we needed and would take care of us. But it just doesn't usually work that way. Doctors are just human, and can't read our minds, and sometimes don't have the time or inclination to pre-read our medical history.

Also, I don't know about the infected tooth but from your description it sounds like it needs quickly and correctly addressed.

And as Wayne said, I hope things go well for you and Thomas also.
Oh Jacqui.. I am praying for you.. I know how you have been waiting for this appt.
I agree about the list.. make sure you take a Documented list of the hospital visits and the sick days so that they understand the quality of life you are being denied.
as for the tooth.. it sounds like it needs taken care of pronto.. infection in your mouth is not a good thing.
OK--First--forget this doctor is a "man". He's has gone into the medical profession, hopefully to help people. Probably to make some money as well.

He is your "equal", he's just a human being, made the same way as other men on the planet unless he has some kind of defect. He puts on his pants one leg at a time, he brushes his teeth each morning, and does all the other bodily human things that we all do.

You must tell him about every one of your symptoms and other things that you have that might impact your health, heart-wise, including your tooth problem, since you could get a systemic infection from that which could go to your heart.

You must also impress upon him the fact that you have very big responsibilities with your children and this weighs heavily on your mind. If you fear that you might have a sudden death from your heart problems, you must tell him that! Tell him that you do not know what your children will do if something happens to you. Shed some tears if you can.

Tell him that you feel that he thinks of you as some sort of malingerer. Tell him that your symptoms are very real, you are feeling just awful and have been for a long time and everyone else has told you that you must "soldier on", but you feel that you have come to the end of the road and that no doctors have listened to you.

Ask him how he views your heart problems. Does he think they are severe? Does he see an avenue to offer you some help? Would surgery help you? What can he do for you?

My husband had to put his foot down with one of his cardiologists who was a wishy washy kind of person. He outright TOLD him that he needed surgery NOW, and that was the end of it. Joe called the surgeon, told him what was going on, and he finally got his surgery that he so desperately needed.

I don't know how it works in Ireland, cultural aspects might be quite different there regarding uppity women.

But I do think it is time for you to be uppity to say the least.

I think we are all afraid for you and want you to get some help.

Maybe appealing to your doctor's human side will set things on the right path.

Please do not wear makeup that day, or do your hair very fancy, don't wear anything very colorful. Cry if you need to, bring Thomas, maybe he can express his fears too.

I hope you can have Thomas seen that day too.

I don't think you have to be an "actress" to pull this off. You have been through the wringer with all these very aloof doctors who have not done their job and probably should be booted from the profession. Whatever emotion you show will be coming from your experiences and from your heart.

I'm going to pray for strength for you. Stand up for what is right. Your life will depend on it, and your children are depending on you.
Good luck Jacqui, i know you really need it right now, i hope you and Thomas can get everything sorted out this time, sending you both my continude best wishes for the future.
Here's another thought--

Why not appeal to his very hefty ego. You could tell him that you feel he is the ONLY doctor in Ireland that can help you, and that you are putting all your faith in him, because his reputation is glowing and you just know he is the right man for the job.
Just out of interest Jacqui. What hospital/Cardio are you seeing?

I remember meeting and chatting to a fairly prominent cardiologist who worked in the Mater in Dublin, a few years back. Forgotten his name, probably
early 40's, hair quite dark.


me, personally, I would not do the crying bit; I would rant, rave, yell, scream and DEMAND that he do something - but that's me, and it may not be your style (I have never been called a shrinking violet) ! In your position, I may even tell him that I am not leaving until some ACCEPTABLE plan is put in place. And if I got palmed off on one of his minions or underlings I would DEMAND to see him NOW !!!!

On a slightly clamer note, I would take a list of every appointment and treatment that you can think of, every fainting, dizzy spell, every day you have felt like s**t, what you can and can not do, etc., and make a photocopy to leave with him. Entire family history, your own medical history, lists of meds, (including that tooth thing, which you should get taken care of right away, even if it means pulling the tooth) and so on and so on, be prepared !!!!

Correct me if I am wrong, but he is a "bigwig" right, and you have never met him??? He may be the nicest guy in the world, and he may be appalled at the treatment you have been receiving elsewhere, and tell you to go buy a toothbrush, and hop on into a bed, he'll fix everything tomorrow !

Sorry if I am mixing my sayings up, but at this point in my life, I have lived about half of it on your side of the pond, and half of it on the Canadian side :)

Last of all - good luck !
*Thank you Wayne, Susan, Marky, Backdoc,Curtsmum..

*Nancy I have read your posts 3 times and will continue to read them every day because, as ever, you make things sound 'crystal clear' , and ''doable''.

*Badmad...I am going to St.James' Hospital in Dublin. The cardio/EP specalist name is Dr. Foley. I saw him in March 07 when he hoped to do an ablation for SVT but he was unable to make it happen. I was however cardioverted out of a.fib. They said they had to shock me quite a few times....I had burn marks on my body for about a week afterwards. I dont know why he didnt ablate the a.fib!!

*Netmiff.....I think I will probably be the ''crying'' patient on Tuesday. Its not something I would usually do in front of ''anyone'' but I know I will find it difficult not to cry when I actually open my mouth and verbalise how unwell I feel. Iv never been fiery or loud or demanding in my life, but at the moment I couldnt even if I tried. I havent the energy and my heart would probably go haywire.
Im hoping that Thomas will be seen that day also, so I will have to be calm and strong for him and then when he goes outside after his app I will probably fall apart, then pull myself together again so as not to frighten Thomas. I know Sarah and Thomas know Im unwell because they comment lately at how little I can do, but they still see me being calm and as normal as I can be right now. I feel if I let the facade slip even a little I will fall apart and I cant allow that to happen to them.

Thank you all for your help and prayers and allowing me to get my worries out..... 6 MORE DAYS.......
That's right Jacqui--as they say here, "throw yourself on the mercy of the court!"

Hoping your doc has some manly protective feelings hidden behind his white coat and tie.

Maybe you'll cause him a sleepless night trying to figure out how to help. :)
Jacqui - Why don't you e-mail your consultant with your fears and questions?

Name: Dr. Brendan Foley
Specialty: Cardiology
Directorate: CReST
Phone: (01) 416 2639
Fax: (01) 410 3549
Email: [email protected]

And why not include a link to this thread in your e-mail to him so as to inform him of all your concerns since it's obviously difficult for you to voice your concerns to him in person..

I don't have any advice, others have said it quite well. But I wanted you to know that I will be praying for you and for your problemms to be resolved soon.
Hang in there a few more days.
ShezaGirlie said:
Jacqui - Why don't you e-mail your consultant with your fears and questions?

Name: Dr. Brendan Foley
Specialty: Cardiology
Directorate: CReST
Phone: (01) 416 2639
Fax: (01) 410 3549
Email: [email protected]

And why not include a link to this thread in your e-mail to him so as to inform him of all your concerns since it's obviously difficult for you to voice your concerns to him in person..

Excellent suggestion! Terrific idea too, that you researched all of that contact info!

Jacqui, several members here have had good results from emailing their doctors with their concerns prior to their consults.
You have gotten some terrific advice and I don't have anything specific to add to it. Please know that you and Thomas and Sarah are in my thoughts all the time. I hope and pray that you will get the answers you need this time.
ShezaGirlie said:
Jacqui - Why don't you e-mail your consultant with your fears and questions?

Name: Dr. Brendan Foley
Specialty: Cardiology
Directorate: CReST
Phone: (01) 416 2639
Fax: (01) 410 3549
Email: [email protected]

And why not include a link to this thread in your e-mail to him so as to inform him of all your concerns since it's obviously difficult for you to voice your concerns to him in person..


ShezaGirlie said:
Jacqui - Why don't you e-mail your consultant with your fears and questions?

Name: Dr. Brendan Foley
Specialty: Cardiology
Directorate: CReST
Phone: (01) 416 2639
Fax: (01) 410 3549
Email: [email protected]

And why not include a link to this thread in your e-mail to him so as to inform him of all your concerns since it's obviously difficult for you to voice your concerns to him in person..


Bravo advice!!!
you'll be in my thoughts as the time approaches, Jacqui, and am crossing my fingers for luck for you.

Is he a cardiologist, or a surgeon? I know medical descriptions and specialty names can change slightly from country to country . . Anyway, hoping you get out of this appointment the outcome that you want, for both of you.

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