scuba and china

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2006
So first I signed up for a scuba class to get certified (I went once before) but had to get my docs permission. She looked into it and said its not reccomended for mech valvers to scuba. One reason was that bumps and scrapes are common, but i think thats a bunch of wusses talkin. The other reasons were a bit more compelling. She said that bleeding in the ears froms rising or descending too fast could be problematic, and my cousins who scuba said that its pretty common. The other thing was that air bubbles can form on the valve hinge if you ascend to quick, like the bends but in your heart not your joints. I would truly love to scuba dive as ocean fauna is a passion of mine, but now Im not sure how to weigh the risks (I dropped the class)
Second thing. I do deliveries on my college campus for my job and ended up at a coumadin clinic in the research park area. I am considering going to china to teach english in feb. I asked the guy at the front desk what portable monitors were best or if he knew a way i could test safely there.

He said "Well you could not go."

but to me that defeats the purpose of improving my health if its at the expense of my life. I realize that if the dangers are real enough then I'll refrain from the trip, but otherwise I may obtain a home inr test and take it with me.

And here's the thing with that. I have a friend who works at an internet medical supply sight. He said he could order some for their stock and I could buy one at cost. Since my inr is a stable as argon (its a noble gas...get it)
I cant get insurance to pay so this may be my only option to get one and it seems like this could be my ticket to travel for periods longer than a month. Travel is another passion and I'd like my coumadin to hinder me the least possible.
I can't answer the diving part, but I'm sure someone here can.

As for testing, I highly recommend you get a meter and do your own testing. You'll be much happier in the grand scheme of things and if your not self dosing, would soon be. There is no reason to let Coumadin dictate your lifestyle. All in all, it's you that dictates it and if you want to live and live the way you want, do it.
Scuba - I dive but avoid going too deep so I have never had an issue. I do not dive below 25 or 30 feet so I cannot address deeper diving. I was told the pressure and decomp could cause issues so I just play it safe while still enjoying the sport.

Get yourself a monitor. You can find INRatios on ebay for about $900 including test strips - search under Hemosense. You could also check with QAS to find out what they charge for non-insurance patients. If you have documentation from your cardio that this is medically necessary, you should not have any problem traveling with it. You should check with the Chinese travel regulations just to make sure.

Forget the "you could not go" comment. Just figure out a way and go do it.
thanks for the posts. i actually said to the guy "well if i live that way, then what was the point of the surgery." he didnt say anything after that. Im actually quite interested in free diving. theres no risk of the bends or anything and you can actually spend more time underwater over an afternoon. I can currently hold my breath for 2 1/2 minutes with out really any training and i think thats pretty good. maybe i'll just keep it shallow like you said.

im hoping to get a monitor through my friend. many medical items he can get for half the price so im hopeful and at the least i could get lots of strips for cheap.
I do not have heart issues, my son has them. That being said, I would agree with GeeBee and just not dive very deep. I think that would be far safer than free diving. Holding your breath will increase your BP and that is not what you want to do. If you stay between 30 and 50 ft you will run out of air before you run out of "no deco" time. I am strictly a recreational diver and I have not known anyone to have a problem with bleeding ears.

My son has an INRatio and I would not hesitate for him to travel with it. I manage his coumadin (it is not very difficult, just get Al Lodwick's charts).
Check with your cardiologist re: the scuba diving. I had a mitral valve repair, and just yesterday checked with my cardio to see if it was okay. He wrote "I have reviewed your medical records and find no reason why you cannot safely engage in scuba diving."

But, I imagine each case is best reviewed individually. . .good luck!