My new (but old) blog.

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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
As I had mentioned before, I had been looking for a site to post some of my writings and photographs. I have finally put something together. I have combed through many of the things I wrote originally for this forum. I have dug them up. and tried to put them all in one place. You should be able to see (and hear) it by clicking here:

There are two pages so far. You get to page two by clicking the "older posts" link on the bottom right of the first page. I haven't figured out how to put them in proper chronological order (and would appreciate any tips from those who have). if you click on the pictures they will enlarge for better viewing.

I took Karlyn's poem and re-wrote it for myself. It seemed easier than trying to explain who "this woman" was, and why I was writing poetry for her. :) I think she won't mind much.

If you feel like leaving a comment (whether there or here) it would be appreciated. There is a greater motivation for writing if you know people are reading your efforts. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing, Dennis. It's wonderful and I particularly enjoyed the videos.
Very nice blog Dennis. A place I look forward to enjoying your additional entries.
A change.

A change.

Thanks to everyone for so many kind remarks since I have joined the forum. While I have been here I have started many threads, and posted many pictures. Most of these have had little, if anything, to do with heart issues. In addition, there are very sensible, appropriate and helpful restrictions on what to post. These restrictions have always made perfect sense to me, and I continue to support them 100%, given the very important focus of this forum.

However, there are things I would like to say, do or post that go beyond these restrictions. That is why I finally decided to create my own blog. I know it will never generate the traffic that I hitched onto when I joined this forum, but there are some compensations. One of them is the ability to post small videos. I have a very small video of a Jemez Indian dance during a Christmas celebration that is a (rare) glimpse into this culture under circumstances that did not violate their trust or tribal laws. In addition, the blog makes it possible to publish matters concerning my personal faith. Finally, I won't have the feeling that I am indulging myself by appropriating space and attention really meant to address heart valve issues.

I definitely intend to continue as a member of this board, as well as looking forward to working on the blog. And I certainly invite anyone who cares to drop in. I am going to try to make regular posts of pictures/writings, etc. (If you click on the pictures they will enlarge for better viewing).
I have checked in, Dennis, and thoroughly enjoyed everything. I couldn't access the movie, but all else was just beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us. I will be checking in.
Sometimes you just have to laugh.

Sometimes you just have to laugh.

I have been busy writing and digging out pictures for my blog. Today I checked a google search (the one that only checks blogs), and the site came up number three for a search of Jemez Photos, and number one for a search of Jemez writings. (Which motivates me to keep working). Anyway, I published the following on Sunday night. I just thought it was funny enough to post here as well. And--everything happened exactly as reported below.

I was talking to my son, Eric the other day, and he told me about his new ipod touch. I immediately wanted one. Eric & I are so much alike in many ways. If he likes his, I figure I would like one as well. So as we were talking, one thing led to another. With the perfect candor we enjoy when talking to each other, I proposed that one ipod touch would be sufficient to satisfy all "gifting occasions" for the next five years. A "deal" was struck.

And so it was, a few days later, I found myself in the Apple store trying out the ipod touch I hope to receive. Well, the typing function is a bit of a challenge for a guy with bi-focals and big fingers. I found myself in the presence of a very young, sweet, sales clerk whose fingers were a blur as she tried to help me log into my web based email. Every-time I tried to enter my password, I hit one wrong button or another and shot myself off to some undesired part of the internet. Barb got tired of watching, and decided to head off for some other part of the mall.

As she walked out of the store, I hit the wrong button for about the 10th time, and decided I was tired of torturing this girl and humiliating myself. Trying to leave with a little dignity intact, I thanked the girl and hurried towards the door, trying to see whether Barb had gone left or right. It was at this instant that my face smacked into and bounced off of, the clear glass door. My dignity was not intact, but at least nothing else had been broken. I suppose this lovely young girl was hoping someone would see to it that this poor old guy got home OK. Sometimes you just have to laugh.

And Eric-if you read this-I would still be thrilled to have my own touch ipod.
:D :p

reminds me of my laptop that I dragged out over the weekend for great grandson. I decided I wouldtry it again today even if only to check it out and gbring things up to date. I am a whiz typist except on the laptop. My nails get in the way and I hate the closeness of the keys - or something. And make mistakes............