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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2007
Ben Lomond, CA
Hi everyone
I had my follow up with my regular general doctor and found that my triglycerides are high. Have to completely revamp my diet.
I go to the cardiologist tomorrow for follow up on the most recent echo and to find out more about him taking me completely off work.
Any suggestions or info on triglycerides would really help me. I am a carb eater and love sweets so I know I have to cut that. I don't drink alcohol or sodas.
Does anyone here use plant sterols such as the new Beneshots by Promise?
I had a try with the plant sterols in margarine etc. My Doc told me to do the "diet thing" for a few weeks to see if they helped. Sadly they made no noticeable difference so I was promptly prescribed a Statin. Within a couple of months my Cholesterol levels dropped from 5.1 to 2.1. Aussies measure Cholesterol differently and I cant find info on how to convert to US measure, sorry. 3 is a good average level for an adult and 4 is when we usually start to get worried about high cholesterol, so I am really pleased to be way below that.

I also had a CT scan done that actually showed the buildup of plaque in my arteries.