Hello to all
Has been a little while since my last post
Sorry. My computer went south right at a time when I needed it most. That always seems the way it goes though. Have talked to two surgeons over the past 2 days, and am surprised as too their answers. Apparently it's not a matter of if, but when and the when is now. Both came up with the same conclusions which relieves me since I would of had a big concern if they didn't. It's going to be an Edwards pericardium stinted valve. We discussed mechanical valves but with my past history of internal bleeding that option was off the table quickly. Have to see my dentist for hopefully a clean bill of health, then will have pre op testing a week before date. Which should be before the middle of Aug. will definitely become more talkative as time nears. Your responses to my earlier post were both reassuring and confidence building knowing there are endless numbers of good people who have gone through the same scenarios as me. Talk Soon
Has been a little while since my last post