Justin back to OR!

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thanks for the update, sending as many good vibes as i can muster your way. he'll be stronger and better for it! good luck!!!!!!
I'm glad you updated Lyn.
For some reason I'm not getting the update notification from caringbridges.:(
Justin really is amazing!
Must be inherited, huh?;)


Hi Justin is in stepdown, still has 3 chest tubes and the 1 iv for meds/antibiotics but otherwise pretty tube free. He has been up walking alot, and for the most part doing really well, still sore especially around the shoulder area from the muscle flap, but since it's only been about 24 hours since he really woke up post op, I'm really happy,
Mary, Justin has the old "classic" caringbridge pages before they did email notifications, so IF anything big happens I try to do a mass email to family and a couple people from each of my groups, I'll try to get here everyday, it's hard with all this walking and getting things, so don't tell any of my other groups (Janet Lol) Thanks for all the prayers, lyn
It always makes my day to hear good news about Justin, Lyn. So glad to hear he is in the step down unit and up and about. Hope you rest easy tonight and catch up on some sleep.
Very sorry Justin had to go back to the OR, but very glad that he is doing well and on the mend once again.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way, Justin. And, of course, to you, too, Lyn....

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sorry to read of the latest events. glad justin is doing ok. praying for a good recovery w/ no more complictions.
Glad to read things are going better at this time. Hang in there, Lyn.
WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?! I go away for a few days, thinking that Justin is doing great and come back to see that he's been back in the OR and is already in step-down?! Lyn, you need to tell that boy to stop giving us all heart attacks. ;)

Seriously, though, I'm glad to read that he's doing so well post-post-op. I'm so glad they caught the infection early. I know how awful those infections can be, and he's very lucky that they were able to get it all out and sew him up. I had an open wound for 6 weeks while it closed "from the inside, out." It was quite disgusting (or "cool" as my husband would say).

You take care of yourself, too! I'll be saying prayers to make up for the ones I didn't know I needed to be prayin'.
Lyn I am so sorry and I missed all these updates. I am glad things are going well and will pray for continued good recovery. So so sorry to hear you had to go back in.

heart hugs,
update on their website

update on their website

Thought I would share this with everyone waiting for an update!
Monday, July 2, 2007 7:04 AM CDT

EEEK! I am SO sorry I thought I updated yesterday, but I read the GB then checkd and I didn't since Sat. My Bad! I could pretend I remeber great details and it disappeared but truth is, blame it on the brain cells that keep leaving me. Sorry
Well Sunday was alot like Sat, mostly sitting, walking breathing, still has the 3 chest tubes but the draining is slowing. Can I mention I can't believe it is July, Well hopefully we will have a good view here of all the fireworks in Philly Wed, since I don't see us watching them anywhere else to b honest.
Today should be busy and hopefully get some really plans, there are rumblings of PT coming around, then we have to find out about everyone thoughts, since surgery was on friday and I'm sure the the fact it was the weekend before the 4th, ALLL the docs have to talk, cardio has to talk to Surgery, plastic surgery, pain, infectious disease ect, hopefully they KNOW something soon, so we can get an idea.
Well I wrote on my notepad for today to update here this afternoon after we talk to everyone. It probably will be bfore Don leaves for work round 3, or Justin takes a nap, because when it is just Justin and I, I hate to start ritng since he still needs help with little things,more because of his arm/shoulder problems, then the heart surgery stuff and as you can see from the lack of updates, I think I'm not quite the multitasker I was 2 weeks ago, hopefully my missing brain cells find there way home.
BUt Good news is he really seems to be doing well, especially considerring it will only be 2 weeks since his first surgery tomorrow, so the fact, he is walking around, talking, laughing, being sarcastic and only has 3 chest tubes and 1 IV, is a Blessing AND I do KNOW that, even IF I'm a little whiney. Blame it on him being 6ft 185 and my being 5 '3 , won't mention weight lol with a stupid bad back. I STILL am managing to get more sleep here than I do at home , BUT I'll take insomnia anyday :eek:)
Hope everyone ha a good day, keep Justin and all our friend here (John, AJ, baby Ethan) and other hospitals, like Andrew, Jonthan, Hailey in your prayers, that they all feel at least a little better today and get good plans. Plans are good, Love you and Thanks to the hascherts for not only visiting , BUT bringing soft pretzels on top of it. Love the Wyatts
and it just keeps getting better (Not really,what sign means sarcastic?)

and it just keeps getting better (Not really,what sign means sarcastic?)

Gosh a shower can really make you feel like a new person, ME not Justin, BUT he was able to shave today so he feels (and looks much) better. So far MY great plans on things to accomplish haven't been done, still waiting for a PT or OT consult, but the orders ARE in so hopefully he can start working on this arm/shoulder/chest from the muscle being moved from his pec. actually that is his main source of pain, well that and the 3 chest tubes, yes he still has 3 chest tubes, so my bets are we will have the wonderful opportunity to watch the Philly fireworks from the roof top of CHOP, I hear the view is very good, altho to hear some people (19 year old who shall remain nameless)they rather watch the local fireworks in NJ :) so I'm just being very patient (for me anyway) and sitting back and there WILL be more progress by this time tomorrow, since I hate wasting even 1 day here,without making lots of progress, especially since we just had the weekend, THEN WED is a holiday, so have to strike when the iron is hot. I hope it goes nice and easy and I don't have to start complaining.
SO the words we learned today were Osteomyelitis which is is an infection of bone OR Mediastinitis which basically is an infection under the sternum, the 2 things they were trying to decide which to classify Justin's infection. What is the difference? well basically Osteomyelitis buys you 6 weeks of life w/ a pic line w/ IV antibiotics where as you "only" have 4 weeks. SO appaently it was decided Surgery would make the call which he has.
the infection UNDER the sternum buys you 4 weeks
Did I mention beside my bad back, lately it seems I am prone to headaches? I wonder why lol
Beside all of that Justin is doing so well, amazing really seems not quite the right word, he was so calm yesterday when they stuck his finger 5 times for blood, THEN since it wasn't enough the resident tried 2 times in his hand, with out 1 little drop coming out. SO they gave up. I felt awful for him, our friends who were visiting felt awful for him, but Justin was cracking jokes. Luckily right now his friend Rhys drove over so Justin is quite happy to have anyone but Mom to talk to, so having his friend is HUGE. Well, I'm going to walk to go from the good free coffee foir parents, I just take 1 elevator down 6 floors, then across to a different building, THEN an elevator up to the 8th floor get my coffee and go back. AND I can do all of this with out my Tom tom navigation system, but it really IS good and did I mention free? They also have a library there so you(parents or kids even teens (who like to read)) can borrow books, I'll have to find out where they get the books from, I can see a used book drive going on this page soon :)
Thanks for ALL THE PRAYERS, as you can tell we need each and everyone, Love Lyn and Justin (who is always making me learn new words, even 19 years after hanging out in hospitals) and Don who is at work, but comes here every day with clean clothes/drinks (non alch) and is really good at helping Justin
I had all ready said my prayers for Justin and you, Lyn, about ten minutes ago. I guess I will have to add to them after reading your post.

I know it stinks spending so many days there, but you will have a terrific view of the fireworks if you have to stay in Philly.;)

At least the coffee is good . . . . .:eek:

Hang in there!
Strong stock

Strong stock

Dear Lyn,
You and Justin are so Strong! I would have been going crazy by now.
I think of you often and I just wish I could help you both. take care.:)
Thinking of you and Justin often, Lyn and hope that things start moving quicker for you all and you can post about a going home date soon. So glad Justin's spirits are good. Keep up the good work, Mom- wish we could help!

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