Beloved Member
Ok here's the scenario. The little terrier that lives next door looks at me funny these days. Last year, before my AVR surgery where I got a Medtronics mechanical valve, this little dog was friendly and would come up to me, wanting to be petted, tail wagging. Immediately after I was home from the hospital, he began being much more 'standoff-ish.' Now, if I'm outside & I try to be friendly he just stares at me. Cocks his head sideways. Has an odd look in his eyes, too, and seems very reluctant to come to the fence. So it got me wondering about the fact that dogs have far superior hearing to humans - so it is possible, in theory at least, that animals can "hear" pitches that are probably created by the ticking of our valves. To me and my wife my ticking seems louder overall anyway, but of course it's just a regular ticking sound. I suppose this poor dog might be hearing Big Ben chime every time my heart beats. Does this make sense to anyone? Anyone else heard of this? It's not important, just unusual.