I Refuse To Be A Victim...

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keep up the good fight

keep up the good fight

you sound like one strong lady, i wish you all the luck in the world! sending oodles of good vibes your way
One of the most important things about this forum for me has been the re-affirmation that I am not alone. This is the best place I know of to develop (if needed) and sustain a positive attitude. It sounds like you really DO have a great "survivor's" mentality and that will only increase here by hearing from others who have also faced some big challenges.

You are in my thoughts. Please stay in touch. Barbara


Hi -

I share your attitude and think it has helped enormously in my relatively easy recuperation from a (first) mitral valve replacement. Even making a joke of it by getting a Marine Corps "Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body" tee shirt.

I was horrified during my hospital stay to see how many people seemed perfectly content to be passive and treated like a piece of meat when the nurses, PAs, etc. were pushing them to get up and get walking.

Winston churchill said "Never, never, never, never give up".

Good luck and keep your spirit alive. I like the Jimmy Cliff song "You can get it if you really want" for that purpose.

Wow, Peggy, your experiences are truly harrowing; that's for sure. But, it sounds like you have a tenacious spirit that anyone would need to go through multiple surgeries.

Glad that you have found our little haven on the Web. We are here to support you, so please drop by, ask questions, vent, whatever you need to do.
Peggy, you sound like one very strong lady. Peggy, you will also find that the people on this forum have so much compassion and are so easy to talk to because they have "been there, done that." Many of us have been through so much, physically and mentally. I am a very spiritual person and lean very heavy on my Lord. I wouldn't be here today without my faith, the love and prayers of my family and friends, and the love & prayers from the people on this forum. Please feel like you can lean on us when you are in need. We are here! !
Wow, thank you so much for all the kind words!!! I haven't logged on here in almost a week because I've been afraid and doing the avoidance thing. I figure if I just pretend things are normal I won't have to deal with how I truely feel. But that's stupid. There is no way to avoid how I feel everyday lately.

I got a reply to my panic email to the cardiologist and a phone call from his office. He prefers that I wait for him to do the TEE, which isn't until July 26th. I had told him I can't keep putting my life on hold, that sprint season has started and I don't know if it's safe for me to race, bla, bla, bla. He offered to see if another doc could do it sooner or if San Francisco had a closer date. But in the end, I guess I should let him make me wait. It just frustrates the heck out of me. I feel like I'm declining, struggling to breath and dead tired. I guess in the medical community it's okay to feel that way and wait??? Rghhhhh....

I come home from work and go to sleep at 5:00pm for several hours. Paddling practice has been almost impossible but I don't let anyone see it. When they ask me how I'm doing I say "fine". I just can't make myself give in to defeat. Stupid I know. I push myself to get through it and then beat myself up if I have a hard time and am not able to do my best. The 80-100 year old people I work with seem to have more energy than me! Ha! That just isn't right!

Thanks for listening to me and for your understanding.

Peggy, just read all your posts for the first time and a saying crossed my mind.
"Courage isn't doing something without fear, it's doing something despite the fear." I sense a lot of courage in you.

And I love your description in your profile "Bad valves, bad genes, good hair":D

Best wishes
Hi Peggy,

I haven't been on in a while. I just had a need to feel healthy and not sick. You sound scared and it sounds to me you have a lot to be scared about. Courage is great, but it can be misguided. The 26th isn't that far away and maybe you could take it easy until then. Please don't feel offended at what I've said. I hear you saying you beat up on yourself and that's just not healthy! This isn't your fault and you should give yourself some love and care. That doesn't mean you're a wimp! That is the last thing I'd say about you. Just be patient and this will resolve itself and with your drive and will you'll be able to do the things you love again.

Please keep us all up to date. We are all on your side, you know.


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