Wow, thank you so much for all the kind words!!! I haven't logged on here in almost a week because I've been afraid and doing the avoidance thing. I figure if I just pretend things are normal I won't have to deal with how I truely feel. But that's stupid. There is no way to avoid how I feel everyday lately.
I got a reply to my panic email to the cardiologist and a phone call from his office. He prefers that I wait for him to do the TEE, which isn't until July 26th. I had told him I can't keep putting my life on hold, that sprint season has started and I don't know if it's safe for me to race, bla, bla, bla. He offered to see if another doc could do it sooner or if San Francisco had a closer date. But in the end, I guess I should let him make me wait. It just frustrates the heck out of me. I feel like I'm declining, struggling to breath and dead tired. I guess in the medical community it's okay to feel that way and wait??? Rghhhhh....
I come home from work and go to sleep at 5:00pm for several hours. Paddling practice has been almost impossible but I don't let anyone see it. When they ask me how I'm doing I say "fine". I just can't make myself give in to defeat. Stupid I know. I push myself to get through it and then beat myself up if I have a hard time and am not able to do my best. The 80-100 year old people I work with seem to have more energy than me! Ha! That just isn't right!
Thanks for listening to me and for your understanding.