This thread, like so many before, only emphasizes that we all have different opinions. I would like to reiterate that we are all entitled to those opinions and have the right to post them whether or not those opinions agree or disagree with others.
We need to remember that fact when answering others' posts. I think the last thing we want to do is make someone afraid to express their opinion but that has happened way too often and we should make every effort to stop this from continuing.
Whether we like it or not, famous people bring attention to issues, be they health, social, political or other. Many of these issues are important to discuss and need the opportunity for more research. If Arnold (or any of the others listed) cause more dollars to be spent on researching things like less ACT or longer lived tissue valves, then I say call attention to his experiences. We will all benefit.
However, I do agree with what I believe was Kathleen's feeling which is that we are just as important as the famous names who have gone through this also. Most of us do not get news coverage and are little know outside our families or this site. We are probably going through more than people who might have millions in the bank because we have to worry about insurance, jobs, what happens to our homes while we recover, paying for rehab, etc. We do not have the money to pay personal trainers, cooks, housekeepers, bills if we are not working, etc. (again). So, perhaps, OHS is a bit harder for the "common" person.
That being said, like Nancy pointed out, anyone facing OHS (whether the world knows their name or not) is scared silly that they will die. So, from that standpoint, we are in that boat with Arnold (and everyone else). Let's work to keep that boat afloat.
Off my soapbox now.
Adam - will be looking forward to your next book. Dedicated to maybe?