Hello Ranger,
my husband will be pleased to hear about other wrestling coaches as well.
My husband had his mitral valve repaired May 8 / 2006. He was fit and in good health when he went in for surgery. He was 63 at the time but he has lucky genes

so you'd never know.
He had a super surgery -bled very little, was on minimum meds and could be weaned off quickly too. When he came out of surgery he just looked like always. He had some A-fib on the 2nd day of the surgery due to blood loss from a Heparin bleed (nurse had made a mistake and inflated urinary catheder too early and so the bleed started). Anyways, not to scare you with that - I am sure that doesn't happen very often and A-fib was conrolled after 20 hrs. He left the hospital after 8 days (delay because of the bleed) and 2 weeks post-op he was taken off all medications except for Coumadin for 3 months (since he was a repair).
He started yoga-type exercises and as walking (often in our pool as well ) right away. At 3 months he was cleared for cardiac rehab. His cardio was very conservative about healing the sternum properly. My husband wanted to be back for the season in Sept but I was a bit worried and in Nov. he was running one practice a week - he backed off just to please me. He also keeps his BP low naturally for the valve (around 105-110/70) he does get a bit dizzy when changing levels (bending down quickly). I always had low BP all my life and I am the same - so this is nothing to worry about.
In Jan. 2007 he went back to 3 wrestling practices a week (about 2hrs each). He cut out the 4th one. He is doing well as always. You can't even see the top part of the scar anymore. Sometimes when a kid pushes into him the sternum hurts a bit. He doesn't wrestle with the kids on the mat all that much anymore - he is more demonstrating and teaching technique but that's more because he has a 5mm shift in his neck (old wrestling injury). He has co-coaches who help.
However, he was cleared by surgeon and cardio to do whatever and since you are probably younger (and hopfeully less injureis

I don't see why you shouldn't be able wrestle with the kids anymore. Make sure your sternum is really healed - you don't want to aggrevate that too early and have life-long pain with it. Get back in shape (since you are already in shape this shoudln't take too long.) Get your cardio's or surgeon's clearance and enjoy life - that's what my husband was told.
Some meds can make you dizzy or drowsy so if you are on meds you have to take this into consideration. My husband just couldn't tolerate them (it depends on the individual). He was supposed to be on for a short time anyways so they just took him off early and his BP and pulse were always fine. Also, will you be on coumadin? So you might have to take a bit more care.
Do you have coaches or students helping witht he practices? It would be a good idea to have some back-up till you are sure that you can handle it. Your body will tell when to stop.
That's probably more than you wanted to know

If you have any more questions you can pm me, and I will send you my husband's private e-mail.
Best of luck to you!!