mybloodrunnethorange is my new hero

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Hello again it is Kathy. I am very sorry it has taken me until now to post an update. I will start with the extubation at 3am on Friday morning. The bleeding finally slowed down and the MD's felt comfortable with taking the tube out. When I finally got to go back and see him it was around 3:30am and he was so glad it was out. My husband is so funny because I don't know if all of you know this, but I am a nurse. Chris said that all the nurses kept talking about me being a nurse and how I kept calling about his condition. I just wanted the tube out, he was so uncomfortable. He then did very well in ICU, so they moved him to a bed on the floor around 2:45 on Friday afternoon. He has been doing great besides the sweating from the pain medicine, soreness in shoulders, back, and neck, and the coughing. It is now 12:11 on Saturday afternoon and he did ambulate this morning. The MD's want him to start walking the halls. We will encourage him all the way!!! The MD's told me this morning if everything goes well he may be d/c on Monday. I will keep all of you posted. Thanks for all of your support. All of you are very kind. God Bless!!!

That's great news, Kathy and how lucky he is to have a supportive wife and a nurse as well!

Isn't it amazing what we can manage to go through and still keep our sense of humor. I understand Chris' discomfort as the tube was the worst of things for me through my surgeries. Once that was out, I felt things were clear sailing from there.

BTW - my SO's name is Chris and today is his birthday - truly a good Chris day all around.

Try to get some rest yourself - you are a great wife.
My saturation numbers actually improved when they finally took the tube out of me. I kept trying to tell them this, but good luck with that thing stuck in your throat.

Sounds great and on schedule. Get him up, walking and out!

Please let Chris know everyone here is thinking of him. Tell him our motto: WALK, WALK, WALK, BREATHE, BREATHE, BREATHE, AND BEST OF ALL NAP, NAP, NAP!!! He'll feel MUCH better when he gets home.

You take good care of yourself, too.....naps are wonderful for all. Remember, you're taking care of him once he gets home, and you surely can't risk getting sick or tired.

Good to know things are going well for Chris, Kathy!

Sure hope the discharge papers are done on Monday :).

Thoughts/prayers continuing for a SUCCESSFUL recovery!

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Tell me what you see" ... Bob Carlisle ... 'Getting Stronger'
That's Great News

That's Great News

That's great news. The move from ICU to the stepdown unit is a big one, congrats to both of you.


Thanks for keeping us posted on Chris' progress. He should be coming home very soon. Walk, walk, breathe, breathe, eat, sleep, sleep, sleep, breathe, eat, walk, walk, nap, nap, eat, walk, walk, breathe----Oh, yeah, sleep.

May God Bless,

Danny :)