I am not allowed to tell anyone!

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
As none of you know her I will tell you as I am bursting to tell someone, anyone, everyone!

I don't know if I have mentioned it but my 29 year old daughter was diagnosed with cervical cancer just over a year ago, just a little cancererous area. They treated her and told her to have a baby/babies then a hysterectomy.

For the past year she has been trying to become pregnant but without success and was just about to commence tests to find out if there was a problem.

She 'phoned me the other day, at a time of the day which was unusual. I immediately said "What is wrong?". She said nothing was wrong but she was 'phoning to say that if I was thinking of going to her for Christmas it might not be a good idea as she might not be there. I thought the worse, the marriage of less than two years on the rocks, that she was thinking of leaving him!

I asked why, she replied that she might be in hospital, so again I panic and think of her cancer... but why would they wait until December?

Yes, you have guessed, she just might be in hospital having a baby! It is due on 19th December but who knows with first babies. :)

I am not supposed to tell anyone yet as it is obviously early days and the cancer treatment means she stands a higher than average chance of losing the baby. So fingers crossed, or as I said to her, cross your legs for the next seven months to keep it in!
Wonderful news, Sue. I know how hard it is to keep that secret!:D Grand-parenthood is the best. I wish her a healthy and happy pregnancy.
SUE.. what WONDERFUL news!!!!
my lips are sealed...I won't tell anyone *snicker*
Great news. I can't wait to join you in grandparent hood. Well, actually I can wait, my daughter's "only" 18 and I want her to finish college before popping babies. Good luck and have fun!
Congratulations Granny!!!! Wishing your daughter a very healthy pregnancy.
She had a very early scan as she had some pain, they wanted to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. I am relieved to say that not only is it in the 'right place' but there is also a heartbeat, oh, and it is only the one! With triplets and twins in the family it is good to know as probably the weight of a multiple pregnancy would be too much for cervix to support.
I pledge I won't say a word until you say it's ok, Sue.;) :p
Best wishes and congratuations on your future grandmotherhood!:) :) :)

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