What is involved in having a heart catherization while a person is on coumadin? Is a person usually admitted to the hospital and given heparin or what is the normal protocol? Just wondering. Thanx!!
That would be the proper way to do it, but most don't. Most have you stop 3 to 5 days before the cath and restart after the procedure. Risky, yes, but as they say, the risk is minimal. Not that I'm advising to just stop without a bridge.
My last heart cath was done fully anti-coagulated and I had no problems. I was in longer than normal after the test with sand bags on the incision but I think they use "plugs" now (although I don't know how those work). If your cardio doesn't want to do the cath while on coumadin, I would insist on bridging of some type.
I was admitted on a Saturday (via ER), put on Lovenox (through Monday morning) BEFORE the cath which was scheduled for Tuesday.
I had to threaten to 'shake the walls' (i.e. call my cardio) to get a Lovenox injection 24 hours AFTER the cath. Seems like NOBODY was responsible for the Bridging Schedule. Good thing I had been through it twice before! My nurse said "but you got your Coumadin last night", CLUELESS that it takes 3 to 4 days to be fully metabolized. SHEESH !
See my thread about "BP Cuff from Hell" that maxed out (300 psi?) and turned my arm Purple from biceps to wrist while on Lovenox.