Philip B TOOTS Photo

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Philip B

Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
Casa Grande, Arizona
Hi Gang,

View it and weep if this attachment thing works. I should be on the board with my TOOTS Photo. You might need sunglasses as fish belly white is pretty bright.



Hi Ann!

Yes, that's snow and ice. While spring has sorta arrived in the Rockies, we're still getting spring snow and the ice hasn't disappeared from Lake Dillon yet. Hopefully, the ice will be gone before sailing season arrives in late May.

Not to worry, there's a warm sweater on the ground next to me. This photo was done quickly.

By the way, if anyone needs a tawdry shirt, I've got one I'll be happy to donate to the cause.

Looks like you set the bar high for TOOTS backgrounds! Looking good!
I couldn't quite remeber the John Travolta pose so I did a google search. Here's the pose for those that are wondering...
Am I the only strange one but i really like that shirt!! Reminds me of Maui.I had a beautiful,and peaceful vacation that year. Of Course,mind you, I don't like it enough to jump on a surgery table just yet in order to "receive" the shirt via mail!!.Great photo Philip!!
John Ravolta

John Ravolta

Sorry guys, I remember disco and I just couldn't bring myself to try a "John Ravolta" (misspelled on purpose) pose. I'm glad John has made some good movies as he got older.

Actually, Colleen asked the surgeon if I'd be recovered well enough to be dancing at my high school's prom in late April. When the surgeon told her, "Yes," I did ask if these St Jude's valves came with some kind of "dancing gene" as I've never been much of a dancer. The surgeon assured me that once implanted with a new valve I would be an excellent dancer. If I had realized all of the benefits associated with getting a new valve, I would have jumped on the table for AVR surgery years ago!

I actually like the tawdry shirt I'm wearing, but I have another one that's about one size too big (I'm kinda scrawny) that I'll happily donate to anyone who needs it. It's tawdry, but it's quality, and it's flashy.



Where the women!!!!!!!!!!! I had two surgeries in3 yrs. And they look pretty good if I say so my self! I saw somw really nasty ones in Cleveland Clinic!
Lookin' Good!

Lookin' Good!

You look great, Sir Phillip! The scenery isn't bad either :)

