Alllright...Who Slung This Garbage My Way? LOL

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
So much for being the latest victim of another batch of the good ole snow....Here's looking at my front door praying that we get no more of this....
And Here's The Driveway in our Condo Complex

And Here's The Driveway in our Condo Complex

Thankfully, the other snow we had about a week ago melted almost completely away....making more room for another bomb of a storm? LOL This
And One Of My Poor Car Getting Hit With Another Snow...

And One Of My Poor Car Getting Hit With Another Snow...

Will It Ever End? LOL LOL And This is just the beginning of the storm...LOL :eek: :eek: :D :D
Come on over to Minnesota. Sunshine and beautiful 65 degrees today. Great day to walk the dog.
Yes, was a beautiful day here!

Yes, was a beautiful day here!

Kathleen said:
Come on over to Minnesota. Sunshine and beautiful 65 degrees today. Great day to walk the dog.

In fact, I was chatting with Harry while he was being snowed upon yesterday, and I told him how gorgeous the weather was here. This has been the goofiest Winter/Spring weather yet. We had 81 degrees on March 26th I think it was...and then we got snow a couple of times since then. I don't get it. It seems a little silly when we have "Winter storm warnings" in the Spring, but that's Minnesota for ya!

I did tell Harry yesterday, that I was going to try to send him our good weather within the next few days:D
Hey Harry

From what I hear on the news, it doesn't look as though it's going to be over for you guys for another day. We were lucky, just wind and rain.....and loads of both, but at least NO S*& is it this morning, still snowing?

Oh No....It's Not Over Yet....

Oh No....It's Not Over Yet....

We have major flooding throughout my area, and a ton of roads are closed and we were without power for 5 hours, and there are alot of people who are in real trouble here in NH in my town, and all the surrounding towns. Thankfully, my brother and I are ok, but I can't get through to my mother who is babysitting over to my little brother's house about 25 miles from me. I am really worried. I would post some pics, but they have advised us to stay off the roads, but if you want to get a good idea of what's happening in NH, Here's the WMUR TV website: Harrybaby:eek: :eek:
we have nothing to brag about here, either. It dropped from 40 to 30 in an hour this morning but trying to warm up. We seem to have winter/spring/summer/fall all in one day. From heat to a.c.

I have been watching the tragic storm up north and it's awful. They all have my sympathies. They tell us it's like a cat 2 hurricane without the wind.
I m sitting in the dark at my computer. Hubby finally got to use his generator he bought 2 years ago. Trees down all over our neighborhood. wind still gusting at 50-60 miles an hour.:eek: Power trucks eveywhere..we were going to use the generator for T.V. Forgot, cable idown too.:p They say this wind may last for another day.We have so many will be hard for the power guys to keep up.:mad: ..Bonnie
Well, Eastern Ontario is getting a good butt kicking.
We have hurricane force winds; a length of my metal roof trim is ripped off....hubby stayed home from work in case we need to use the generator or wood stove. I'm going to lose some trees for sure. Lots of power outages and lots of phone lines are down....and last month I was on the deck soaking up the sun with only a sweater!!

I hope everyone is staying safe today.
Still without power:mad: The wind is still blowing but not the type gusts that we have had for 24 hours.. My gated community here on top of a Mountain in Northeast Ga. looks like a tornado came thru..many trucks in to help..but they are saying..several poles snapped..Not trees..keeping our power off.:eek: .......Down below us..less than 4 miles..nothing..I ran to grocery store to pick up a cooked chicken and the cashier said..many without power in out county. I think it is the ones that live high up..Old timer told me..he had never seen the wind blow this hard?We have no don't know why..Cannot pick up the Atllanta news..Even my Hubby, a retired airline pilot, cannot figure it out..Blue sky and no clouds?....Just strong wind??Bonnie
From Chloe on viewing these with me earlier ...

'Why don't we live somewhere like that? We could build big snowmen and have a fight with all that snow. They're lucky!'

I echo her opinion!!
Ok People...A few pics of some of the damage....

Ok People...A few pics of some of the damage....

I thought I would post a couple of pictures of some of the damage around my area.....

This first picture is of Rt. 75 in Milton, NH which is one exit up from where I live (about 7 miles)....People are trapped between this side of the road and the other end in Farmington as that also saw incredible damage...
Another Pic Of The Same Rd...

Another Pic Of The Same Rd...

Here is another shot from a different angle of the same road......I wanted to get as much as I could in as far as how bad the damage is. :eek: :eek:
This Next Pic Is Of The Road I Used To Live On...

This Next Pic Is Of The Road I Used To Live On...

Old Wakefield Rd, my old stomping ground really took a beating from all the floods....:eek: :eek:
Another Shot Of Old Wakefield Rd

Another Shot Of Old Wakefield Rd

The damage was ongoing all up and down the road on both sides...I wonder how they allowed me to drive through it as I thought well, if both sides have collapsed, when will the middle go down? :eek: :eek: