clicking during sex

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I always thought the clicking noise during sex was the clock next to the bed. :D :D :D

Seroiusly, the clicking noise depends on the person really. I can only hear mine when it's completely quiet when I lay down to go to bed. Other than that, it's not that noisey.
musician2k said:
The nurse that discharged me told that I should be aware of any *sudden* changes in the clicking - that is, I suddenly can't hear it, etc. I would think if this develops over time it's ok - but if I notice it becoming quieter I'll be sure to let my cardio know.

Also - the guy who said something about it being a good metronome is quite right! I'm also being paced so if I relax, it's pretty accurate.

Hey Chris! I was just looking at profiles...I am 11 days older than you :) and we are living one state apart! Just a little info. Have a good one!
Magic8Ball said:
:D :D :D :D :D Thanks, i needed a laugh today and that made me spurt my coffee back into its cup....

The funniest jokes always have at least one foot in reality..:D :D

I kept re-reading that one since it was written. I finally just now got it. DUH
Reminds me of another joke. This one I didn't make up, so it's actually funny:

Would You Remarry?
>A husband and wife are sitting quietly in bed reading when the wife
>looks over at him and asks the question....
>WIFE: "What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?"
>HUSBAND: "Definitely not!"
>WIFE: "Why not? Don't you like being married?"
>HUSBAND: "Of course I do."
>WIFE: "Then why wouldn't you remarry?"
>HUSBAND: "Okay, okay, I'd get married again."
>WIFE: "You would?" (with a hurt look)
>HUSBAND: (makes audible groan)
>WIFE: "Would you live in our house?"
>HUSBAND: "Sure, it's a great house."
>WIFE: "Would you sleep with her in our bed?"
>HUSBAND: "Where else would we sleep?"
>WIFE: "Would you let her drive my car?"
>HUSBAND: "Probably, it is almost new."
>WIFE: "Would you replace my pictures with hers? "
>HUSBAND: "That would seem like the proper thing to do."
>WIFE: "Would you give her my jewelry?"
>HUSBAND: "No, I'm sure she' d want her own."
>WIFE: "Would you take her golfing with you?
>HUSBAND: "Yes, those are always good times."
>WIFE: "Would she use my clubs?
>HUSBAND: "No, she's left-handed."
>WIFE: -- silence --
>HUSBAND: "****."
My husband had a central line the entire time that I knew him. It is basically a long term IV coming out of his chest. It did not bother me at all. It was a conversation piece though. We definitely did not want to have to explain to his cardiologist how it accidently was pulled out. We definitely made sure it was taped up good before we went to bed.

My boyfriend didn't mind the clicking when we were initimate, but he did wear earplugs to bed so it wouldn't keep him up at night. He's just lucky I didn't snore, too! :D
kbheart said:
My boyfriend didn't mind the clicking when we were initimate, but he did wear earplugs to bed so it wouldn't keep him up at night. He's just lucky I didn't snore, too! :D
Come on now, it's not that loud. Does he wear earplugs for his watch ticking too?
kbheart said:
My boyfriend didn't mind the clicking when we were initimate, but he did wear earplugs to bed so it wouldn't keep him up at night. He's just lucky I didn't snore, too! :D

I'd be glad he didn't try to stop you from snoring; nothing like having a gag in your mouth to go along with the earplugs in your ears! ;)


He already had problems with insomnia before i had the surgery. I guess the clicking was just enough to put him over the edge. Anyway, I think I should find a partner with his own clicker so we could click in tandem.
I'm on four years since I got my St. Jude's mechanical valve and the ticking is still there. It has gotten a little quieter over the years and most of the time I pay no attention to it. I can hear it if I think about it, but there is no "constant ticking" in my life.

Or in my head for that matter.

It does get louder during strenuous physical activity so, yeah, my partner may hear it during sex, but she (my wife by the way) doesn't mind because it's a sign of life to her and very reassuring.

For those who are about to go under the knife, I first noticed my valve several days after I woke up. Mind you, I had a rougher ride than most spending five weeks on a vent before coming back to the world, but it was still a few days later before I really noticed the valve and then I couldn't not listen to it.

You WILL get used to it. You WILL forget that it's there and you will have to focus in order to hear it after a while.

This is good.

My valve is a part of me, but it doesn't run my life and except for taking medications twice a day, there is very little thought that I give to my valve these days.

However, in saying that, there is a demo St. Jude's valve that I got from some company reps I met last fall stuck to a peg board on my cubicle wall at work.

I figure the day I can't hear my valve, even when I am trying to listen for it, is going to be a very bad day for me. Beyond that, the ticking means I'm still doing the Timex thing, I've taken the licking (oh boy did I get licked!) and I'm still ticking and will be doing so for a VERY very long time.

See my post in the Active Lifestyles forum for my latest new "hobby." :eek:
I've been told that mine is loud because I'm thin and it's only 8 months old. I just have to keep shoveling in that Chunky Monkey ice cream and in no time it will be quiet.

Here's a neat trick...Do you ever notice that when you take a deep breath, the valve is louder and deeper sounding?:cool:
Wow, Im so excited that i stumbled across this! I must say i had a great laugh, and a great time remembering my "first time" with THE MECHANICAL VALVE!!! I couldnt' believe how LOUD it was ringing/ticking in my ears! The gentleman that i was "sharing the moment with" was like: HOLY POOP!!! (HAHA) He thought he was hurting me because it kept getting louder and louder!!! We couldnt stop laughing! Iv'e always kinda wondered if others has a similar experience??!! :p :p :p :D :D :D :confused:
some times it bugs me but not my wife

some times it bugs me but not my wife

My wife swears it makes her feel secure knowing that I'm well. When I was sick and we had some fun she would stare at me for a long time with worry in her eyes trying to guage if I was going to die right there. It was pretty sobering. Now she claims it doesn't bother her and our love life is normal (but better than before). For me it drives me insane after good lovin' to have the stupid clicking. I usually make some dumb joke about it but I have to stop doing that because I honestly believe she doesn't really notice any more. But it's better than how it used to be when it would take me half an hour to catch my breath and feel kinda normal.

good luck!

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