I appreciate all the feedback and great information regarding Kevin's a fib. Thank you all.
Kevin was monitored in the ER for about 6 hours. No other bouts of a-fib. He called me at 4 a.m. and told me to go to sleep. They would let him sleep there until around 8 or 9, unless they needed the bed. We picked Kevin up at 9. We had to drive straight to the doctor's office (for me, believe it or not!). Apparently, when I'm under stress, I just knot up. I had to have some cortisone/ muscle relaxation medicine injected all around my left shoulder blade. The pain was becoming too much to handle, and with all the lifting I have to do (kids), I couldn't wait anymore. I had to have the same thing done for the left side of my neck in January!
We headed home. Kevin went to bed. I played with the kids, cleaned, and did laundry (fun stuff). The next morning, I woke up at 6, so I could get on the treadmill before everybody else is awake. Our treadmill is in the basement. I finish and step off and hear a squish. Upon furtheer inspection, I realize that the laundry room, bathroom and middle room are flooded. We just had the other half of the already finished basement gutted and redone in January because of mold. I didn't want to tell Kevin. I called his brother and a plumber (I had no idea where the water was coming from). Jerry (bless him) brought us a shop vac and big fan. We cleaned up as best we could (had to move a sofa and hang our Karastan rug to dry). Plumber comes and cannot figure out where the water came from...his guess was that our hot water heater had too much pressure and blew water out of the valve. I made lunch for everybody and called our car dealer.I could pick up our loaner and drop off our minivan while my brother-in -law was still at our house, so he could keep an eye on the kids and Kevin. (Loaners do not have car seats, so I can't take the kids). I leave in the minivan (which I took to the dealer before Kevin's surgery because I thought the transmission was acting strange...it's only a 2002!..They said nothing was wrong! WRONG!) and head to the dealer. I'm grinding along. The car starts to jerk. I can't go faster than 20-40mph no matter how much I gas it. The engine's making all of these weird noises. I decided there was no way the van would make it and turn around. I'm on a sharp curve, trying to go uphill (almost to the last turn before our road) and the car will not go forward. It's drifting backward! There are 3 houses on this part of the road. I'm directly in front of the house that backsto our back yard (Does that make sense?). I've never met the people . The houses are all spread pretty far apart. Anyway, I flag down a very nice man in a pickup truck who tries to see if he can tow me home (he cannot), so he and my very nice mystery neighbor push the van into a corn field. My neighbor offers to drive me home (This will sound awful, but I was tempted to just walk. It would've only taken 10 minutes. I figured the way my luck was running, he was probably a serial killer....He wasn't
). I get home, call AAA. My brother in law has to leave. He has a job to supervise overnight in DC and thanks to me, has gotten no sleep. Good news is the basement is dry with no other sign of any leaking! Bad news is my poor brother-in-law hit a deer heading to his job that night!
After dinner and baths for the kids, Kevin and I are relaxing, watching TV. I decide to make iced tea for my mom (She was coming over the next day to watch Ryan while I went with Alexandra on a field trip with her preschool). I head downstairs into the kitchen and hear a strange noise.
I clean it up the the shop vac, mop, open windows, turn on fans. I call the plumber again. By 10:30 p.m., plumber #2 shows up and tells me he thinks it's my septic system (this was clear water, mind you). He says it could be my drain fields. He says have the septic pumped and call them back after it's cleaned. First thing Wednesday morning, I call our wonderful septic cleaner man. My wonderful mother will be at the house to greet him. I'm off with Alexandra. We get back from the field trip around 11, and my mom tells me the septic was fine. I call the plumber and they send #3 out around 4. After an hour with no luck and no idea where the mystery water is coming from, my mother says, "What about the water softener?" (The one this same company installed in January!). Come to find out, the little sucker was leaking like crazy when it did its daily backwash (at 9 p.m.). He says he doesn't know enough about these systems, unplugs it and tells me that it will be fixed first thing Thursday morning. The next morning, 2 HVAC guys were sent by accident, and finally (at 6 p.m.)plumber #4 showed up. After 30 minutes in our basement, he called me to come check out my problem. The little connector thing that hold the hose on was loose. It just had to be hand tightened
So, I hope you understand the delay. We're sorry. And I'm sorry this is so long! Add in to this whole mess two visits from home care nurses, problems tracking down Kevin's INR results and sleep deprivation! Everything's fine now. My mom and I had a good laugh about this last night. I grew up hearing, "Laugh to keep from crying."
Kevin was monitored in the ER for about 6 hours. No other bouts of a-fib. He called me at 4 a.m. and told me to go to sleep. They would let him sleep there until around 8 or 9, unless they needed the bed. We picked Kevin up at 9. We had to drive straight to the doctor's office (for me, believe it or not!). Apparently, when I'm under stress, I just knot up. I had to have some cortisone/ muscle relaxation medicine injected all around my left shoulder blade. The pain was becoming too much to handle, and with all the lifting I have to do (kids), I couldn't wait anymore. I had to have the same thing done for the left side of my neck in January!
We headed home. Kevin went to bed. I played with the kids, cleaned, and did laundry (fun stuff). The next morning, I woke up at 6, so I could get on the treadmill before everybody else is awake. Our treadmill is in the basement. I finish and step off and hear a squish. Upon furtheer inspection, I realize that the laundry room, bathroom and middle room are flooded. We just had the other half of the already finished basement gutted and redone in January because of mold. I didn't want to tell Kevin. I called his brother and a plumber (I had no idea where the water was coming from). Jerry (bless him) brought us a shop vac and big fan. We cleaned up as best we could (had to move a sofa and hang our Karastan rug to dry). Plumber comes and cannot figure out where the water came from...his guess was that our hot water heater had too much pressure and blew water out of the valve. I made lunch for everybody and called our car dealer.I could pick up our loaner and drop off our minivan while my brother-in -law was still at our house, so he could keep an eye on the kids and Kevin. (Loaners do not have car seats, so I can't take the kids). I leave in the minivan (which I took to the dealer before Kevin's surgery because I thought the transmission was acting strange...it's only a 2002!..They said nothing was wrong! WRONG!) and head to the dealer. I'm grinding along. The car starts to jerk. I can't go faster than 20-40mph no matter how much I gas it. The engine's making all of these weird noises. I decided there was no way the van would make it and turn around. I'm on a sharp curve, trying to go uphill (almost to the last turn before our road) and the car will not go forward. It's drifting backward! There are 3 houses on this part of the road. I'm directly in front of the house that backsto our back yard (Does that make sense?). I've never met the people . The houses are all spread pretty far apart. Anyway, I flag down a very nice man in a pickup truck who tries to see if he can tow me home (he cannot), so he and my very nice mystery neighbor push the van into a corn field. My neighbor offers to drive me home (This will sound awful, but I was tempted to just walk. It would've only taken 10 minutes. I figured the way my luck was running, he was probably a serial killer....He wasn't
After dinner and baths for the kids, Kevin and I are relaxing, watching TV. I decide to make iced tea for my mom (She was coming over the next day to watch Ryan while I went with Alexandra on a field trip with her preschool). I head downstairs into the kitchen and hear a strange noise.
I clean it up the the shop vac, mop, open windows, turn on fans. I call the plumber again. By 10:30 p.m., plumber #2 shows up and tells me he thinks it's my septic system (this was clear water, mind you). He says it could be my drain fields. He says have the septic pumped and call them back after it's cleaned. First thing Wednesday morning, I call our wonderful septic cleaner man. My wonderful mother will be at the house to greet him. I'm off with Alexandra. We get back from the field trip around 11, and my mom tells me the septic was fine. I call the plumber and they send #3 out around 4. After an hour with no luck and no idea where the mystery water is coming from, my mother says, "What about the water softener?" (The one this same company installed in January!). Come to find out, the little sucker was leaking like crazy when it did its daily backwash (at 9 p.m.). He says he doesn't know enough about these systems, unplugs it and tells me that it will be fixed first thing Thursday morning. The next morning, 2 HVAC guys were sent by accident, and finally (at 6 p.m.)plumber #4 showed up. After 30 minutes in our basement, he called me to come check out my problem. The little connector thing that hold the hose on was loose. It just had to be hand tightened
So, I hope you understand the delay. We're sorry. And I'm sorry this is so long! Add in to this whole mess two visits from home care nurses, problems tracking down Kevin's INR results and sleep deprivation! Everything's fine now. My mom and I had a good laugh about this last night. I grew up hearing, "Laugh to keep from crying."