Chloe's ballet exam

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
Clo did her first ballet exam this morning!
She's been going to ballet for about a year and half but I was reluctant to let her do exams cos I wanted her to enjoy it rather than worry about exams but she found out the next lot were coming up and was so keen to do it that we let her. She was so excited she couldn't sleep last night (strange child!) and she looked so cute in her ballet things this morning with ribboned satin shoes and hair all done that I thought I'd share her with you... (sorry I still can't do the thumbnail thing with photos!) ...

WOW - what a beauty and so obviously happy. She is truly a poster child for "Good life after OHS".

I am not sure what ballet exams are but I hope she did well.
Chloe -- You are beautiful & you look like a princess! I hope you did well at your ballet exams today!
Emma, She's an absolute angel!!!

Emma, She's an absolute angel!!!

I bet she really made her mommy proud.....She looks like she could dance all the way from England to the ends of the earth!!! Keep On Twirling Kiddo!!!! Hugs from Harrybaby:D :D
Such a prima ballerina!

Such a prima ballerina!

Chloe looks so beautiful - she definitely has that "ballerina stance" going with the toes pointed out. Oh to have a daughter in ballet - I am dreaming....:) Enjoy every moment Emma! You are blessed with a very pretty and talented daughter.

Christina L
you must be so proud! she looks so beautiful with her outfit, ballet slippers, bunned hair....
my daughter is also a dancer and my heart swells each time i see her perform; i imagine yours must too.
chloe looks like a little doll.
thanks for sharing with us,
Beautiful photo - and a very beautiful little girl. I know you are so proud of her. She radiates!
She looks lovely, Emma!! And i can tell by the photo that she was very happy about it too! You must be so proud!!
How did I miss this! She is LOVELY!!! And just glowing in her confidence, isn't she?

How fun! Enjoy, enjoy!!

:) Marguerite


Marguerite53 said:
How did I miss this!

Me, too, me too! Dunno how I missed this one, Emma! Chloe is adorable!!! Do I see a new avatar here? (like I have room to talk!) hugs. J>