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Hello Everyone,
I'm not sure that half of you will remember who I am, but I had my AVR this past August. Ten days later, before ever leaving the hospital, I got a serious staph infection and had emergency surgery that night. A few days after that, my surgeon opened up my incision to keep it clean and let it heal from the inside out. This left me with a large open wound. I had a PICC line (catheter) to receive IV antibiotics for over 3 months, a wound vac (to help my healing wound to heal faster), nurse visits 3 times a day, blah blah blah, the works!

In January, because my incision didn't heal correctly, I had reconstructive surgery to fill the wound with muscle and then cover it with a skin flap. Next summer I am supposed to have another reconstructive surgery to fix the football shaped scar I have now into a simple line. Ahh, that would be soo nice :)

Has anyone had a staph infection like this before? Has it completely disrupted your life too? When did you start to feel better?

My husband has been nagging me to look into suing the hospital, but I am very reluctant. I wouldn't mind if the hospital wanted to give me some money for my inconveniences, but beyond that, I don't know that that is what I want to do with my time. Besides the fact I want to concentrate on healing, I love my Dr.s! They've all worked very hard to save my life, help me go out of their way for me. I feel a huge sense of gratitude towards them and were certainly not want to injury them in any way.

Anyone ever sue a Dr. or hospital or know anything about it?

Anyway, I am about 6 weeks post op my reconstructive surgery and am still tired, but am getting there. I have some kind of a cold or something. I am wondering when someone with a staph infection started to feel better? I was hoping to be one of those people who would have said by now that they can't believe how tired they've been before the AVR, because they have so much energy now! Oh well, It's coming.

Did I mention that a month and a half after I got out of the hospital, my husband left and moved out of the house? He has been putting a lot of pressure on me to get a divorce right now. I've been able to put him off a bit - just because I need to recover a bit! - but I'll be happy to cut him loose when I'm a bit better. Anyone have tips for managing stress while healing??

Other than all of that, I feel great! Although things are a bit tough at the moment, I know it won't last and I'm still happy to be me! :)

I do remember you because our surgeries were right around the same time. I am so sorry to hear of all you have been through. I have no suggestions on the suing thing. It could be a huge stressor in an already stressful time. Hang in there Kim, I will pray that things begin to come together for you.


Niki (gnusgal) had a similar experience after she had an ICD implanted. They ended up having to remove it due to the infection and she had to go home with an antibiotic pump. She is leaving for Mayo to get a "second" opinion so she will not be available for a few days, but give her a shout when she gets back. Sorry to hear you have had such a rough time and about your jerk of a husband. Yes, it sounds like it is better to cut your losses now...........but then again, I've been married three times so I should probably keep my mouth shut. :D Many hugs. J.
I got a staph infection from an IV line during my AVR. All of the nightmare except for the wound healing problem came true for me.

We too thought about sueing, but the fact of the matter is, this is so rampant in all hospitals, that unless you died and your family is doing the sueing, you probably won't get anywhere. I'm not trying to discourage you. I'm only telling you what the lawyers told us. Now with your wound problem, I'm not so sure I wouldn't try to get them to pay for all of that.

The best I got out them was 2 months worth of home IV therapy and free Vancomycin to kill the infection.
I remember you. I am so sorry that you have been such a mess. The doctors may be so nice so you won't sue them and I don't think I would. I might consider suing the hospital, tho. They would no doubt have their insurance company settle out of court with you. You could at least talk to a lawyer and get an opinion. Your life has been damaged because of someone's negligence and it is well known that hospitals are rampant with staph. It could have come from anywhere, even the phone you used while there.

Sorry about your marriage and all the stress that goes with it. If it's bad, you may be better off. I have no advice on the stress, I just managed somehow and you will, too. My sympathies.

Kim, I do remember you and I'm so sorry you have had such a rough time. Ann is right- you may consider suing the hospital and the doctors may even end up being your best witnesses. It would be well worth having a consultation with a lawyer. Whatever you do, I hope that your health and your peace of mind improves daily- hang in there!
I remember you..:)

wow you have had a lot to deal with in this past year! I am not in a position to give legal advice..

But I wanted to let you know I said a prayer for you.. for Healing.. and for you marriage..
Sounds like he isn't a good support system that is for sure.

Do you have a good support system? Friends..family, Clergy? I think you are going through a lot and it would be nice to know you have some support close to home.

Keep us posted here.

Good to hear from you but sorry about all the problems.

I had an infection after my last OHS that wasn't really caught until until I got an area of my scar that kept opening and wouldn't heal. I ended up having a plastic surgeon operate on it and he found massive infection. He actually had to create a couple hernias to get the infection out of all the muscle. I still have some problems 13 years later with occasional pain from the hernias. I may still have to have surgery on those.

I didn't think of suing the hospital because I couldn't actually prove that the infection came from there. However, if I could have proven it, I would have sued. I had a lot of expenses and lost time from work.

I think you should consider suing the hospital. IMHO, staph infections are due to neglect and should not go unpunished. The only punishment understood by companies is monetary.

Sorry about your husband splitting. I will keep any other opinions to myself but let him wait until you are ready to cope with the divorce. This time is about you getting better not his convenience.

Hope all turns out okay.
I am vey sorry you are going thru this. not that you may really want my opinion but, as for suing and DH, since he left you and wants a divorce and is the one pressing you to sue. I think I would wait until the divorce was final then sue, something tells me he isn't pushing the person he left while in the middle of all of this to sue because he cares about her and wants to make her life easier.
The other thing about suing, is it does add alot of stress and aggrevation to your life. We thought about suing after something happend to Justin, but for the reasons everyone else mentioned and the fact i couldn't deal w/ the added stress of court papers ect for something we probably wouldn't have won. We chose not too. as for infections in hospitals, another thing to figure out do you happen to remember/ know if other patients at the same time had infections? IF that is the case, i would sue since that is easier to prove, otherwise, they can say heck one of your visators/family gave it to you. Lyn
I'm happy to read you are doing well and hope you continue to improve daily.

As far as suing, my question to you is: Are you constantly thinking about how the hospital is to blame for your infection and subsequent procedures? Do you find yourself becoming highly agitated that "they got away with it"? If not, I'd advise to just move on with your life. Law suits can be very draining and require a lot of time and energy. You need to think about how your time is best spent. If it is something you cannot move on from, then I would recommend contacting a lawyer. Have you been billed for all the medical treatment and care you had to have because of the infection? If you have, it may be worth it to have a lawyer contact the hospital about your expense.

I was in a position before my VR that I seriously considered suing a doctor who was extremely negligent in my case. A lawyer was pretty certain I had a very valid cause of action. I finally decided that my valve disease had taken enough precious quality time with my family, I didn't want any more to be taken by a law suit.

It all boils down with what you can live with and look back on without regret.
Hi Kim!

I don't remember you as I just joined this wonderful site in January and have just come home to recuperate from AVR with a new St. Jude Tissue Valve. I can't help you with any "suing" issues, although I dare say I have considered it due to some problems I had going in. But, like most others have indicated, I'm just not sure it would be worth the added stress - as a matter of fact, have determined that it wouldn't be.

As for something to help you going through all of this upheaval in your life right now between the staph infection, people (your absent hubby) telling you what to do, trying to do what's right for you, and on and on and on I can tell you that a very dear friend of mine has recommended a book to me and several others over the years that she says literally saved her life. I haven't felt the need to read it (thank God), but have heard from others that it truly helped them "deal". It is called "LOVE, MEDICINE, & MIRACLES" written by Bernie S. Siegel. Why not see if you can't pick it up at the Library or perhaps a book store. It does come in paperback, but I believe it sells for upwards of $14 new.

You can always count on me to come up with a "book" to solve the world's problems or just your own, for at least a day.

Will be thinking of you.

Well, if you do decide to sue the hospital, cut the bum loose first.

It's a shame you've had to go through so much and have so much piled on top of it as well.

Best wishes,
Hi Kim, Welcome back.

So sorry to read about everything that has been going on.

Suing is a big deal and stressful. I don't know if you have enough info to make that decision at this point. Probably a good idea to contact a lawyer and have a preliminary conference so you can find out exactly what to expect before you make a decision.

And I agree, if you sue, get rid of the bum first! And if you are not going to sue, don't push yourself to get the divorce at his convenience.....agree when you are ready and it won't stress you more than you already are!

Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Kim - I love your positive attitude and the way you closed your post! Keep up that sunshiney spirit!

I agree with a lot of things people posted to you in reply. Suing? I don't know. It would be nice if it would be easy for you and not add more stress to your life. And I thought GeeBee made sense in the expression of her opinion about the infection. And several said cut the hubby loose first if you do sue; but you might not have time for that now. Don't you have to file something within a year of the medical mistake/neglect for a lawsuit?

Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and I hope everything gets better and with your positive attitude, I'm sure it will. Hang in there and post again!
Attitude is everything!

Attitude is everything!

SO great to see you posting Kim! Your infection cleared up; your wound is getting repaired; your little girl is thriving I bet! and you have maintained your wonderful spirit. Congratulations!

On your point about initiating a lawsuit......I had seriously considered going to law school when I graduated from college.....took the law boards, applied, got in and then went to graduate school instead. The reason....I realized I did not want to spend my life in adversarial relationships with people. HAving seen others since go through the process of lawsuits I have noted how really stressful it is for them.

Maybe talking with a good lawyer and asking her or him to walk you through what it would be like and what kind of chance you have of winning would give you a better feel for what you should do.

In the meantime I hope you continue to return to normal physically and keep that great spirit you have.

Best regards, Barbara
Oh, Kim...
I remember you! I am so sorry you've had to go through such an experience after your surgery. I don't know much about suing doctors and hospitals (like you, I absolutely love my cardio and surgeon), but I do know about post-surgery stress.

Having surgery put a great deal of stress on my marriage. Both my husband and I have dealt with our respective health issues( my heart, his back), and my post-surgery stress this past year, and I found myself drawn to another person--an old friend. I'm ashamed to even acknowledge that I was temporarily attracted to another man now, but I am so glad I made the right decision and decided to strengthen my marriage instead of to run away from it. Mike worries a lot about me and my surgery has been a real source of stress for him.

Although the complications I've had since my surgery pale in comparison to yours (I recently had a balloon angioplasty to open up scar tissue in my femoral artery--this was a rare complication from the catheter for the heart-lung machine), the toll it's taken on Mike has been huge. I'm worried about him worrying about me so much. In many ways I feel as if I'm the source of his stress although I know it's not me, it's just the circumstances. I had pulled away from him for a while (post-op depression, I think), and he pulled away from me (so he wouldn't worry so much). I asked my cardiologist if he'd sit down with Mike and me to discuss my case so Mike can understand that he doesn't need to be a worrywart all the time, and my cardio said he would. Mike started a new job last year and couldn't be with me all the time as I had all of my pre-surgery tests and consultations, so everything I tell him is secondhand information. However, Mike and I have worked together to improve our marriage and even though it's by no means perfect, we are becoming closer again. In fact, we celebrated our ten-year anniversary of being together this past weekend.

Although I don't know exactly the situation you're in, is there any way you can salvage your marriage? I know you've been through a lot with your surgery, but maybe you can work through it together? I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.

Kim, take care of yourself. Your trip down the "other side of the mountain" may take a bit longer, but you'll make it all right! :D

Debi (debster913)

I remember you :). Good to see you posting ... very sorry about the circumstances :(.

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
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"Waiting to be mended like a potter would mend a broken vase" ... Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers ... 'Broken Lady'
Thanks for the support

Thanks for the support

Thank you so much for your responses! I think you've all said something I've felt or thought already. For the most part, I think that taking on the stress of a lawsuit really is not in my best health/stress interest, especially at this point. I do wish someone from the hospital would hand me some money without me having to go through any hassles. :) I know, fairytale land. Just thought I'd throw it out there and see who had some first hand info on the subject.

As for my hubby....I don't feel he's trying to be a bad guy. Family life and needs are not really convenient for him. At this point, I do feel he is sabotaging my health by pressuring me unnecessarily and I do deserve better than that from another human being.

He just doesn't get the health thing. He did ask me 3 weeks after I was home from the hospital, while I was so tired...he said that I had 3 weeks to recuperate in the hospital (mostly in ICU, mind you). Believe it or not, he's not entirely trying to be a bad guy...he's just more of a sad guy. ;)

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