New in town, and wondering - where should I have my Mitral Valve Repair?

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Hello folks... :eek:
I?m all new here, but it looks like a great place, that would possibly pull be out of this confusion...
I have to make a tough, important decision, and would really appreciate it if you read my note and try to share your experience with me.

I am 53 years old and I have a severe mitral regurgitation due to advanced myxomatous disease of the mitral valve with prolapse of both leaflets. I am about to have a mitral valve repair.
It is very importent to me to choose the surgeon who is the most experienced and successful in mitral valve repairs (and not mitral valve replacements).

I'm looking for people who had or about to have a similar surgery, and can help me choose the best surgeon. the ones i'm thinking of are: Dr. Alain Carpentier (paris), Dr. Tirone David (toronto, canada), Dr. Hillel Laks (UCLA) and Dr. Cahuvaud (also paris, i suppose). I?ve been doing a lot of reading all through the net, but there is just too much imformation and I think I just get more and more confused...

I would so much apperciate it if you share your knowledge of some of these surgeons with me, or if you tell me about another surgeon you think is best in this sort of operations (I have also heared of Dr. Cosgrove of Clevelnd, but cannot possibly efford him).

you can also write by email and tell me about your experience: [email protected]

Thank you so much

I just wanted to welcome you to this wonderful although I cannot help you with the surgeon quest. There are many people who will help you so keep your computer up and you will get a lot of good answers.

I wouldn't rule out the Cleveland Clinic. If you feel that is where you want to go, contact them and ask for cost assistance if you do not have insurance. It never hurts to ask.
Since I see you are willing to travel a long distance to have this surgery (I see that you are from Israel), I will mention my surgeon, Dr. Michel Pellerin, at the Montreal Heart Institute (Institut de cardiologie de Montréal). He did a fellowship under Dr. Alain Carpentier in the early 90's. He is the chief of surgery at the Montreal Heart Institute as well as having as his special interest valve reconstruction.

My surgery was more complicated than some repairs as I had calcification around the annulus of the mitral valve and a couple of ruptured chordae. Instead of doing the more usual resection of the valve, he sewed in Gortex chordae, pulled down the valve, removed some of the calcium deposits, but was left most of it and covered it with a ring. He also closed up an atrial septal defect, and as you can see from my signature, he did a Maze Procedure (I'm sure there was an electrophysiologist in there with him) which (knock on wood) has worked wonderfully.

I must admit, it takes a while to get an appointment with Dr. Pellerin (or with anyone up here, with our medical system), but as far as I'm concerned, he is one of the best!!!:D

Good luck in making your choice.
I am partial to Laks, who did my surgery about 14 months ago. I was told that my repair would be difficult because I needed work done on both the anterior and posterior leaflets, and was also told that most surgeons would probably just have gone the easy route and replaced it. It took me awhile to get on his waiting list and it was less than convenient to have to travel 60 miles to the other side of LA for my surgery, but I'm certain that I made the right choice. Since I've now made it past the one year mark, there's no reason to believe that the repair won't last many, many years.

(BTW, you'll notice that most people are inclined to think that their surgeon is the best, which I would certainly consider a good thing...)

Welcome to the family

Welcome to the family

I had my mitral valve repair here in Baltimore. I had several friends who also used the same surgeon-Dr. James Gammie at the University of Maryland Hospital. Let me know if you are interested in calling or writing to him and I will send you the information.
Hello Alona!

And Welcome to!

Still in the waiting room so I cannot offer you any advice on surgeons or hospitals etc. but did want to say hello and wish you all the best as you research and prepare for your surgery.

Take Care!


I second Joanne.. I also had Dr. Gammie.. However I know that he spent time training extensively with a dr. in Canada..
so maybe you can contact his office an find out that doc.. it may be the one you are considering in Toronto?

My valve was not a typical repair either..but Gammie worked hard (3tries) to give me the repair!..
So I have confidence in him:)
but there are many very good surgeons out there..

Again Welcome
Surgeon Robert Quigley

Surgeon Robert Quigley

I introduced myself to him as a soccer player. And asked him if he can put me back on the soccer field.

He repaired my mitral valve( only anterior leaflet which is more difficult to repair comparing to posterior) and its been 4 years. I just went to see a card. 2 days ago he said he did great job. Still trace regurt.

So I would definitely sugest Surgeon Robert quigley from Einstein hospital Philadelphia. He also did his Phd and his thesis paper was about valve repair.
It woiuld be wise to check North carolina

It woiuld be wise to check North carolina

I had a mitral valve repaired by Dr. Randolpg Chitwood at Pitt Hospital in Greenville, NC. Dr. Chitwood runs the Univ Division of Cardiovascular Surgery and has conducted more than 350 robotic procedures with amazing success. I have never experienced a more organized and coordinated pre and post program. I lost no blood and all procedure-based pain was gone within 5 days. You should Google "Dr. Randolph Chitwood" and get the full story. Living expenses for those with you are comfortable and low in Greenville. My procedure was on 1/31 and I'm back at work now even though five miserable days of intestinal flu butted in. Best to you

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