Well Now...I Have Really Done It This Time...

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,

Just wanted to post and let yall know that I may not be on too much for the next few days as I have fallen and broken some ribs....I slipped on some ice/snow while moving my car and my brother's truck for the snow plows to come through.....The pain is incredible. I just wanted to let yall know...Harrybaby:( :eek: :(
That hurts:eek: :eek: I have cracked ribs before and it hurts like all get out!! Takes so long to heal. Good luck and try to stay as comfortable as possible.

Tighten the rib belt and slam some brew down for a while.

I'm going to stop letting you out. Seems like when I do, you get hurt.
Harry, Harry, Harry, just what are we going to do with you? Please take care of yourself and enjoy those pain pills (hopefully you have them).;) :D ;)
Ouch!!!! I hurt for you Harry. Please take good care of yourself.
Youch......So sorry to hear your in pain Harold. I hope they gave you some good pain meds. Hang in there!! Best Wishes. :eek:
Sorry to hear this Harry..Babe....On top of all your other health problems...:eek: How do they heal broken ribs?..........I guess with a very large bandage?Why I didn't go outside for 2 days..with our snow...Very scary..hubby just said there was still ice on the back deck..:eek: .......Take care and take those pain pills. Bonnie
Harry, so sorry to hear this. I hope your pain doesn't stay too long.

From now on, no going out in ice and snow without either YakTrax or
Get-a-Grips, removable ice grippers for your shoes.They really work.
Bonnie....They don't wrap broken ribs anymore...

Bonnie....They don't wrap broken ribs anymore...

Granbonny said:
Sorry to hear this Harry..Babe....On top of all your other health problems...:eek: How do they heal broken ribs?..........I guess with a very large bandage?Why I didn't go outside for 2 days..with our snow...Very scary..hubby just said there was still ice on the back deck..:eek: .......Take care and take those pain pills. Bonnie

I actually was in the ER for about 3 hours tops...which is really great for me considering the usual time for me in an ER is 6-8 hours typically. They don't know how many ribs I have broken because they told me that alot of times, broken ribs will not show up that well on an X Ray...so they couldn't tell me the exact extent of the damage to the ribs...they did however tell me that they are worried whether or not I had also damaged my spleen, so I have to keep a close eye on my pain level and SOB...if these get worse I have to go back to them pronto....I didn't think that busted ribs could do that much damage, but they also told me that it could bring on Pneumonia....Just what I DON'T NEED...It never ceases to amaze me how one fall could potentally do some real damage...:eek: :eek: :eek: I was hoping to fall asleep this afternoon, but no such luck...not even with the pain pills. Thanks to all for the kind words..I guess this is just another one of those bumps in the highway of life. Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :( :eek: :D
I will have to get some.....I just don't know where...

I will have to get some.....I just don't know where...

Nancy said:
Harry, so sorry to hear this. I hope your pain doesn't stay too long.

From now on, no going out in ice and snow without either YakTrax or
Get-a-Grips, removable ice grippers for your shoes.They really work.

I think I am going to have to, because the doc told me that what probably caused me to slip was my spinal stenosis acting up and giving me a "false sense of secure footing" Nancy, do you know about how much these would cost, and where I could find them? Thanks for the encouraging words...Harrybaby:D :D
I COULD use a beer about now Ross....LOL :D

I COULD use a beer about now Ross....LOL :D

Ross said:
Tighten the rib belt and slam some brew down for a while.

I'm going to stop letting you out. Seems like when I don't, you get hurt.

....Although I don't think the beer would go good with the Percocet that I am on....but I would love to pound down a couple anyway....shake...and stir gently....LOL:D :D :D

....As for letting me out.....Heck, I don't think I should even get outta bed in the morning....I might fall out of my hospital bed and bust some more ribs....sheesh.....:eek: :eek: :D :D :eek: :D Harrybaby:D
Harry, Harry, what am I going to do with you? My goodness with everything else you got going on. I've had broken ribs, they are not fun. It's hurts everytime you breathe. There's really nothing they can do, they just have to heal on there own and it takes a while. Bless your heart, stay in and off the snow. Hugs & prayers coming your way.
Hope you heal quickly Harry. Take this time to rest up and stay off the icy sidewalks.
Harrybaby666, I FEEL FOR YOU!!! I broke my ribs the week before christmas. Not ready for the holidays I had no choice but to grin and bear it! Some how I did not think the kids would understand christmas couln't happen because mommy had broken ribs! Anyway, they do not give me anything for it (except for pain med's). My doc said that they would not tape them because it restricts your breathing etc. The good news is that you will feel better soon. However, it took me 6 full weeks to be able to ride in the car or do sit ups without feeling my ribs. I was not in pain for 6 weeks, (the worst pain ended after a week or two), but I was aware of them. Remember to breath!! You do not want to restrict your breathing at all. I found that even if I worked at it I would gasp from time to time, I did not take in deep breaths.

Good luck, my thoughts are with you!!!

Ah, Harry ... very sorry your ribs are broken....

Thoughts/prayers coming your way.

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