How low is low blood pressure?

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For the last 2 days my blood pressure has been running 78/57 or so. When should I panic? I think that I am dehydrated and have been pumping fluids. At night the pressure goes up a bit to around 88/62. Heart rate is in a normal range (hangs around 82).
I've been really tired but no throwing up.
Low BP

Low BP

It sounds low, but I'm not an expert. Hey, did you get my message about the shirt? I'm obsessing on it...better than on surgery! :)
I have asked many medical people this question. There appears to be no definitive answer other than it is too low if you feel the effects from it. I have had the bottom number in the 30-40 range and then I pretty much think that I'm about to die. I can't breathe which makes me panic which brings my pressure up a bit. On the other hand I don't have heart issues, so hopefully your cardiologist will have a better answer for you than this. 78/57 doesn't sound too bad. My son's bp was around there a lot.
That's pretty low. Are you feeling sluggish or light-headed? I'd run this past your doctor. My BP was 90/73 at one of my cardio checkups. She said she wasn't too thrilled about it being that low and to be careful when standing up or any quick change in body positions.
michellep said:
For the last 2 days my blood pressure has been running 78/57 or so. When should I panic?

Michelle, I'd definitely call your PCP, just to get an expert opinion.

FWIW, I was in the ER and had my pressure drop to 60/40 after popping some stitches from a "day surgey" last Fall. I nearly blacked out and later was told in no uncertain terms that I was pretty close to being "in trouble" with a reading that low...
Great for the valve, maybe not so hot for you.

I'd wonder if you felt woozy sometimes, too. That's pretty low. I had a childlike blood pressure for a while after surgery also. Not as low as yours, though. And it doesn't last.

The first question is, what meds are you on? It's normal procedure to give patients a beta blocker after OHS. If you're on one, you may be overly sensitive to it, and might ask about a different one.

If meds seem to be the issue, remember that you are more than a new valve. If the doctor says the low BP is good for the valve, remind him that the valve is in you, and you must live with the BP as well.

Best wishes,
Several thoughts come to mind.

first .. are you still taking your narcotics? they can lower blood pressure.. Make sure that you are drinking enough and getting enough to eat.

The second thing that comes to mind is wondering if it is fluctuating b/t high and low?
Mine did that when I was full of fluid.. one minute it was 70/40 the next it was 110/70.. I felt terrible.

I would call the doc and just go in and let them take a look, It will give you peace of mind, and nip anything in the bud.

Hopefully you will be feeling better tomorrow.
I'm not sure what kind of blood pressure device you are using, but if your heart is jumping around at all with any wierd (and let me stress...probably benign) arrythmias as newly operated hearts are wont to do.......I would think that might screw up the reading of your at-home BP monitor.

It seems a little low to me. PLease call a doctor!!! Do not ask us!!! My hospital gave me a number tied to the cardiac nurses and they answered all 3 zillion of my questions. You really should be set up for some communication with a professional who is familiar with your case. Look through your notebook or whatever they dismissed you with. Okay?

Steady as she goes. YOu're doing great!!!

:D Marguerite

Do you feel more tired the last two days than before that time? What about chills, fever, or muscle weakness? Any difficulty breathing deeply?

It may not relate but my BP dropped like that during my pericardial effusion. Cardio said it was related to the pressure the fluid was putting on my heart - preventing it from filling and squeezing properly.

The above list are some of the classic symptoms of pericardial effusion (fluid around the heart).

I would call your surgeon to discuss the bp - particularly if it is lower than it was a few days ago.

Keep us in the loop. Good luck.

My blood pressure has risen today. It's hanging around 90/62. I have an appointment with the cardio tomorrow. Better safe than sorry!
It was up there. Averaging 128/89 or so. Sometimes it was in the 130s.
My BP's been pretty low too, though more like 100/70. It used to be a textbook 120/80 before the surgery, never high. I've had readings for the top number in the 80's and 90's too, just in the past 2 days. As a result I'm dizzy if I stand up quickly. I called once and they said to skip my beta blocker if the top number was under 100. Several times in the hospital they would not give my beta blocker after taking my blood pressure, same kind of thing, low blood pressure. The past 2 days I've noticed some irregular heartbeats too, didn't have those before.

If mine is low again in the morning I'll call again.

Hope you feel better,

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