2 questions for the group

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Hi - I'm just shy of 2 wks post surgery 1 wk post discharge.

I hate taking my strong pain meds during the day, they make my head too fuzzy and I just don't like the idea of taking something so strong. The surgeons nurse says to take Xstrength Tylenol instead if I want. My past experience with that pain med is that it simply doesn't work, I'm more of an Advil/Ibuprofin sort of person myself, that or good old fashioned asprin.

So, question 1 is: What did you all take as a step-down pain med?

Second, my left thumb has stopped bending the way it should. My brain tells it to bend and it just bends a little but not enough to grip. I had to have 3 different IV's in my left arm (I have bad veins) and for the first days after surgery and when I got home I only used my left hand because I have a right thorocotomy incision and I kept my right arm clutching my heart pillow. I know my thumb worked great until 3 days ago. Oh, I am right handed.

Question 2 is: Anyone have anything similar happen with their hand post surgery?

Thanks in advance for any insight. This site has been a genuine goldmine of information and support, thank you.

Ruth, I went from a morphine drip in the CICU straight to Extra Strenght Tylenol in the stepdown unit. Not sure why they didn't give me something in between. I remember having pain, but not unmanageable pain. (Walked around the house with my pillow in the event of a sudden sneeze!!!:eek: ) Have you tried the Extra Strength Tylenol to see if it works for you for the pain you are having?

Do you have feeling in your thumb? Or is it somewhat numb?
Hi Ruth,

I had the self administered drip thing for about 2 days. Took myself off of that and took vicodyn (sp?) for about 2 days and then it was all extra strength tylenol from that day on (about another week then i stopped all pain meds). It really worked well for me.

As for your other question, i experiences swelling in my hands that made bending my fingers very painful, but this doesn't sound like the same thing that is happening to you.

hi Ruth,

Exactly 1 week post op, I completely quit the pain meds. I was having horible dizzy spells and I quit taking everything that wasn't necessary for the heart, bp, or rythm. I had no problems whatsoever with doing this. The pain management is up to you, not the docs. You know your body better than they do.

As far as your hand, I can't help; sorry.

Take care and good recovery wishes.

Well, I loved the pain meds. But, like everyone, I didn't want to be on them much. What I ended up doing was halving the smallest dose of vicodin and taking extra strength tylenol with that. But I know I was on something for almost 5 weeks or so. Something about the vicodin really helped me feel better, I don't know what it was. My GP laughed as it was like a non-dose, but for some reason....I liked it. Because the vicodin I had, had tylenol in it, I was careful to add all the mg to get a safe dose.

Also, there is arthritis strength tylenol that lasts for 8 hours. I"ve used it with my bad knees to great success. Only as needed.

I'm sorry about your thumb. My wrists both had very strange aches several weeks out. I thought maybe they had me tied down or something...they were very unable to lift weights without pain and tingling. My guess is that it will pass. Make a calendar note of it and track the progress for awhile. Perhaps a physical therapist might suggest a simple stretch to alleviate some discomfort. Are you signing up for cardiac rehab? They are WONDERFUL in there about helping all those little nuisance things disappear. They understnad everything!! :)

Good luck. Let us know.

About 1 week post-op I was off pain meds during the day, most of the time. I did take them at night, to help sleep. However, if your in a lot of pain then take what you need. My pain didnt seem get any better with the narcotics vs Tylenol or Ibprofin during the day. But, the strong stuff helped me sleep at night.

I didnt have any problems with my thumb or fingers.. sorry to hear that you are. I hope you are able to get that resolved soon.

I took pain meds regularly for about 6 weeks post OHS, although I had a new incision to deal with at 3 weeks to drain fluid so that set me back a bit. I had two step-downs. I started right after OHS with Oxycocet and started to gradually transition to Tylonol 3 my second week at home, and then gradually transitioned to Extra Strength Tylonol around week 4. During the transition between the meds I was told I could mix and match so usually took the stronger one at night (and sometimes first thing in the morning depending on how I felt waking up) and the weaker one during the day until totally transitioned to the weaker one.

I was taking the odd Extra Strength Tylonol or Arthritis Formula Tylonol when my neck and shoulders ached, but that's pretty rare now (about time!) :D

I don't know about the thumb. I had a really sore wrist after the surgery to drain the fluid, but that was because I needed a blood transfusion during the operation and its just the way they stuck it in.....ouch! :eek:

Good luck.
I am wondering if your thumb thing could be from the trama so to speak of IV's and surgery. It could easily be an inflamation or something like that. I would bring it up to the surgeon when you see him next.

As for the pain.. I am the oddball here..
I never had anything stronger than advil.. While in the hospital I got Tordol which is a supped up ibuprophen.. came home on advil and never took anythign more..
so pain is a personal thing..
Take what you need and if you feel like it isnt managed well, call your docs.
Take care..
sounds like you are recovering nicely
I am a big fan of Ibuprofen 800's! You could take 4 advil but the doc told me that the 800's are easier on the tummy....Tylenol does nothing for me :)
I took Percocet for the first couple of weeks after my last OHS but, after the first few days, I started taking 1/2 pills and then 1/4 pills along with Extra Strength Tylenol. The little bit of Percocet took the edge off which is all I was looking for so you might try taking partial pills.

Also, the Tylenol doesn't work on some types of pain for me (like migraine) but it works well on bone pain (like sternum splits and broken ankles) so it might work this time. Give it a try.

Can't help on the thumb. I have had very painful arms due to IVs so I am sure it could affect the thumb depending on where your IV was.
Hi Ruth -

Adam had a pain question a few days ago and I answered on it and he's right -- pain is a very personal thing. Geebee is right too about Tylenol or Advil working better than the other for different kinds of pain.

My experience? I was in the hospital a week after AVR and I was on morphine and oxy-whatever it's called. I came home and only took Extra Strength Tylenol, as little as possible, primarily to be able to execute my spirometer exercises every hour. By two weeks post-op, I was taking NO pain medication.

I don't think I have a high pain threshhold but I just don't like to take anything I don't have to. I just had a hysterectomy four weeks ago and took my last pain pill less than 36 hours after the surgery and wasn't sure I needed it. It took the hospital four IV inserts to get a good one in prior to the hysterectomy and the three bad ones hurt more than the post surgery pain!

Regarding your thumb not working -- I had numbness in my hands post-op, especially when my arms would come forward, like writing thank you notes and such. This did slowly get better but never completely went away (my hands still get numb when I sleep if my arms come too far forward); I got clearance from my cardio at 3 months post-op to see a very GENTLE chiropractor and I think he helped whatever was causing the numbness, something up in my collarbone I think. I had a bad pain in my shoulderblade for three months until I saw the chiropractor too.

Hope things continue to get better and better for you.
Hey Ruth, I'm with you. Just today I cut my percocet in half. I am taking 1/2 a pill every 6 hours and supplimenting with advil (cardio said it was ok since I am not on Coumaden). I am still taking full doeses at night due to my back.
Everyone is correct that mentioned that pain med need is individual. Unfortunately, my body doesn't deal too well with the heavier prescribed pain meds taken by mouth.

Don't be afraid to try the over-the-counter Tylenols and Advils if your doctor okays them. But don't be upset with yourself if it's not enough.
Let's hear it for Advil

Let's hear it for Advil


While I can't comment on your thumb, I can tell you that Advil became my post-op drug of choice. I took the narcotics for the 5 days that I was in the hospital, but moved to Advil the day I came home (the constipation from the narcotics just made me way too uncomfortable). My doctor suggested 600mg of Advil every six hours and it worked like a charm. I continued with the Advil routine for about 4 or 5 weeks post-op.

I didn't have a lot of post-surgical pain, but I was sore and found it difficult to get in a comfortable sleeping position. After a week or so at home, I started taking a Unisom before bed. That made all the difference: I could sleep like a baby for 7 or eight hours. (I probably used the Unisom for about 2 weeks.)

Sending good thoughts your way,

Thanks All

Thanks All

I really appreciate the suggestions. Cutting the pills is a good idea, I just hadn't thought of it for some reason, who knows. Anyway, I think it would be effective, thanks.

I've been taking the Xstrength Tylenol and it's OK for this pain but not great. I'm still an Advil/Motrin/Ibuprofin fan.

I was expecting incision pain and rib pain but I'm surprised that my shoulder is stiff, my back bothers me, my right arm aches, geez, what exactly did they *do* during that surgery?

Thanks again all,
ruth said:
I was expecting incision pain and rib pain but I'm surprised that my shoulder is stiff, my back bothers me, my right arm aches, geez, what exactly did they *do* during that surgery?

Thanks again all,
You may not really want to know how they bend you around. ;) :D ;)
I agree with Gina, you don't want to know what they do. I purposefully didn't watch any vids prior to surgery, still don't know exactly what they did. Out of sight, out of mind, out of mind, describes me!

darvocet is good for pain.
Hi Ruth:

I'm an oddball like the other responder, I had no pain either in the chest or in the leg (dble bypass, 2 valve replacements) so I can't help there except to say that if you take Coumadin I was told that my OTC pain relievers were limited. I did take Percocet (but only 3x) for the pain described below.

As for the pain the in left hand, my left hand was totally numb through the fingers and thumb, the palm was OK but the wrist was weird as well. However, I had an excruciating sharp twinge in my left shoulder blade--to the extent that it radiated down my left arm and up in to my neck. I suffered for weeks and my drs said 'it just takes time to go away...' and felt it was due to being strapped and stretched during the 18 hour surgery. My husband said 'get a cortisone shot'. Well, I listened to him and got one the next day and the relief was almost instantaneous. So maybe your pain is linked to a pinched nerve--have it checked out and see if a cortisone shot will help you.

Hope this helps.
Dick's doctor did not believe in heavy pain killers- sent him home with extra strength Tylenol and PM Tylenol for at night which Dick took once in a great while as he hates pills too. No pain from the incision and he found massage to be the best relief for the shoulder and back pain. It took weeks or more like months:( , but it did go away!
Susan BAV said:
Regarding your thumb not working -- I had numbness in my hands post-op, especially when my arms would come forward, like writing thank you notes and such. This did slowly get better but never completely went away (my hands still get numb when I sleep if my arms come too far forward); I got clearance from my cardio at 3 months post-op to see a very GENTLE chiropractor and I think he helped whatever was causing the numbness, something up in my collarbone I think. I had a bad pain in my shoulderblade for three months until I saw the chiropractor too.

Susan. With similar symptoms (driving for 45 minutes....hands go numb, tingling at night in bed) I was told that I had carpal tunnel syndrome. I used wrist braces for awhile. One physical therapist at cardiac rehab gave me a GREAT stretch (I've described eslewhere on this forum but :confused: who knows where). Basically, raise your arm up as if to wave, bent at the elbow. With your free hand, press the palm of the free hand (in a perpendicular placement) against the "waving" hand and very gently bend that waving hand backwards until you feel a stretching in the wrist. Hold that for 10 seconds or so. Do as often as you want. It stretches out those tiny, thin tendons in your wrist that get all cramped up from typing, or repetitive motion (for me, it's knitting).

Ruth. I know that my thumbs were very very achey for a long time and it was recommended that I be careful how I lift everyday objects. In other words, do not use a "C" grip to grab a stack of dishes, or bowls etc. Try instead to use your whole hand and go up under things. Hard to describe. I guess the thumb gets arthritic as we age and this helps allay the pain. I know that's not really what you're describing....but I'm throwing it into the mix anyway!! :D

Hopefully it will all get better with some time. Rest everything!!! It might just be telling you that it needs rest, too!!


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