I know I'm just a week post op but I'm already dreaming of hopping into my little convertible and going for a spin.
Here's the catch. It's stick shift, with a modified short throw transmission. Once I'm allowed to drive again, will I be able to drive my little car? I'm concerned about getting it into reverse and 5'th where there's like a "catch" that you have to push through to reach these gears..... Or being in traffic, switching gears a lot and starting to ache.
I have a right side thoracotomy incision between my right ribs and other than typing all I do with my right arm so far is clutch my heart pillow. Maybe arm exercises?
Knightfan, anyone, have experience with stick shift after OHS? Please don't tell me I have to drive an automatic, I just won't know *WHAT* to do with my left foot.
TIA all,
Here's the catch. It's stick shift, with a modified short throw transmission. Once I'm allowed to drive again, will I be able to drive my little car? I'm concerned about getting it into reverse and 5'th where there's like a "catch" that you have to push through to reach these gears..... Or being in traffic, switching gears a lot and starting to ache.
I have a right side thoracotomy incision between my right ribs and other than typing all I do with my right arm so far is clutch my heart pillow. Maybe arm exercises?
Knightfan, anyone, have experience with stick shift after OHS? Please don't tell me I have to drive an automatic, I just won't know *WHAT* to do with my left foot.
TIA all,