Mom getting stents

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
My mother is having a stent placed in her leg tomorrow. She's known about this blockage for some time, but it's just now being taken care of. Earlier this year her pulmonologist decided she wasn't up to the procedure; now he concurs with it. They will also check her carotid arteries as well.

I request prayer for her; I'm sure she's concerned about it. I am too, primarily because of the COPD. So, please pray for her lungs and heart to be strong throughout the procedure. Many thanks.

I will definitely add her (and your family) to my prayers. Hope all goes perfectly.
I will pray for a very smooth, successful procedure for your Mom.
You Have My Prayers Wise...

You Have My Prayers Wise...

Here's wishing nothing but the best for your mom before, during and after her procedure. Harrybaby:D :D
I'm tired! My mother's goofy cardiologist, after telling her she's getting a stent in her leg, did an angiogram to determine if there are other blockages (none!), and then said he'll put the stent in on Tuesday. We got there at 12:30 in the afternoon; she went to the cath lab at 3:50; they put her in a room at 5:30 so she could lie know the drill. Anyway, she ate a lot for supper (hospital spaghetti, ugh). She was to be released at midnight (how convenient). She was on schedule to leave and got sick....twice. Anesthesia, morphine, spaghetti = sick. In the end, we left at 1:30, with a bed pan in her lap...further details unnecessary. I'd say she's really looking forward to Tuesday now.

Thanks for the prayers. She did well really.
Thanks for the prayers for my mother. She needed them, but is doing well. She had her cath and stent placement yesterday. Spent the night in the hospital and was released at 3:00. They gave her seven plavix tablets before the cath, plus an aspirin. Then just before, they her some heparin. She was quite slippery! They actually had quite a time stopping her bleeding; she had three instances of vigorous bleeding. But, all is well and she's home.

Getting her home, I had a fender bender. A guy pulling a long trailer turned left into our lane, without being careful (not enough room for the turn). I had two vehicles in front of me. The first one backed up to avoid the guy with the trailer. The Ram 3500 in front of my Civic Hybrid, then backed up. Before I could get it in reverse, he had hit me. He took the blame; was a gentleman about it. We've both talked to his insurance and everything is A-OK. He had just left a nursing home after visiting a relative with cancer. What a day!
My nurse cousin has had a stent for many yrs and gotten along just fine.

Oops! Your mother will have a day to remember! God had you both in HIS hands. Blessins....
hensylee said:
My nurse cousin has had a stent for many yrs and gotten along just fine.

Although, this stent was in the Iliac, I'm wondering if she'll somehow breathe a little better because of a now normal blood flow in her body. May be a dumb question, but I'm unashamed in my medical noviceness. :eek:

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