I slipped on ice last Monday.

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
Well, I did it this time. We have had some freezing temps in AZ and I slipped on a patch of ice on the cool deck this past Monday and injured my knee/cap. I don't believe there's a fracture otherwise I wouldn't be able to walk at all. It is still quite swollen today and I show a large Hematoma on the knee and surrounding area. It hurts like the dickens, especially after I've been sitting idle for a while. Very difficult to get in and out of my car and my husbands truck. I've wrapped it with an Ace Bandage to keep the knee cap in place. Don't know what else to do.
Any of you had experience with slipping on ice and hurting yourself? What did you do for it? Did you go see a doctor, and what did he say?

I would go see the Doc just to make sure you didn't fracture anything. Better to be safe than sorry. Sorry you slipped.
I would see the doctor for the hematoma. They can let you know if you need to have a bandage on it or not. I once tripped and my knee hurt alot and swelled with no apparent hematoma. Finally after standing on it at work all week I went in. I had broke a vein and it was bleeding into the kneecap. Had to have an imobilizer on for weeks. Those spills on coumadin do warrant a doctor visit.
I actually slipped on an ice patch yesterday and landed flat on my back. It knocked the wind right out of me, but got up asap as I felt like an idiot (happened in downtown Toronto in the middle of the morning rush...incidentally lots of people looked but nobody came forward to lend a hand). Felt a bit sore the rest of the day, but really woke up very stiff this morning. I'm not planning to go to the doctor as I don't think it's that bad, but will probably lie on a heating pad when I get home tonight. That said, if I had a large hematoma I might be more inclined to go to the ER.
Hi Christina

Sorry to hear that you tripped, I tripped shortly after my AVR and developed a large hematoma on my knee,
I also chipped the knee cap, I went to the doctors and he inserted a small needle and drained what he could from the hematoma.

after it was drained it was less painful.

hope your feeling better soon

Go see the doctor please. You can have a fracture or chip and still be able to walk.
So sorry to hear it Christina. Hope you get to feeling better very soon. Would have them take a look at it. Not much they can do for the hematoma. Unless it requires to have some pressure releaved like Jan said. They can also become infected I am told.

Had one last year. Very embarrasing place. On my rear:eek: Slipped down the stairs and sprained my ankle. Had to break the fall with something. I was surprised at how quickly it went away. Much faster than a bruise for some reason. :confused:

Be well.
So sorry to hear this, Christina. Please take it easy. Perhaps you should travel somewhere where you won't slip on the ice. Here in Michigan, for example, it gets so cold that it can't snow, and then it gets so cold that ice is no longer slippery. Just a thought.
I don't have any advice Christina, just wanted to say I hope your knee heals soon.
Thanks for all

Thanks for all

the replies, and here is an update on my injured knee due to a fall on an ice patch.
The swelling is a lot less so there is less pain. Still quite painful to walk though and you should see my wobbling. My leg looks like I've been hit by a truck but that is to be expected being on Coumadin.
This shall pass too..:D :D
Thanks for the input.

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