Thanks all, indeed I did have a good day. Coincidentally, I was promoted on my birthday yesterday (they didn't know).
No health / heart news to report - I continue to feel better and better over time. I think getting the sleep apnea and pacemaker fully tweaked has really given me that last little bit of improvement. Now maybe I can convince the cardio to reduce some of my meds - I would really like to get that Beta Blocker down from the 150mg!
My 83-year old father is now on Coumadin as well - he came up with Atrial flutter last month. He had 5x CABG back in '84. Looks like he is heading for an ablation once they get his INR settled down. He's the energizer bunny - no signs of slowing down.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I do look in here every few days, I will try to post more.