Swollen gland - to freak or not to freak?

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Mar 12, 2005
Chicago Western 'burbs
Hi all,
Weird question - I have a swollen gland on the left side of my neck but no sore throat, no fever, no other symptoms. I do tend to get sinus problems so perhaps one of my 'way back' sinuses is backed up but again no symptoms there.

It's been bugging me since last Saturday and I know usually wait a week to 10 days to see if something like that will clear up, probably a viral infection of some type, yada yada yada.

But, I never get swollen glands, and this is bugging me! I have a doctors appt a week from today, but should I be worried and go to an urgent care walk-in center??

I have this irrational fear that after all I've been through with the valve stuff, something really stupid and mundane will get me like a stupid tumor or valve infection from a boring sore throat. But, I work really hard to take care of my health so when something's off I notice it. Am I overreacting?:(

Any comments would be appreciated...

Patty, the worry is often worse than the diagnoses- why not get it checked out now and hopefully it is something simple and easy to cure and you can enjoy the rest of the Holidays.
I don't think you should wait. So just call the doctor's office and get some advice from a nurse. I don't think you need to go to urgent care, do you? See what your doctor advises. Never be reluctant to call and get advice from the nurses at your doctor's office. Don't be intimidated. That's what they're paid for...by YOU!! :D

Let us know.

I agree to call your doc instead of going to urgent care, especially this time of year even if you are ok now, who knows what you'd pick up hanging with all the other sick people at urgent care not to mention the wait probably would be log with all the people going today to be better for Christmas, Lyn
which doc?

which doc?

Well, I haven't had a primary care physician since I was in grad school and had to go to the school clinic. That's partly why I can't get in - I'm seeiing a doc I don't go to regularly, and yes the urgent care office will be packed!

I suppose if I call my cardiologist's office my awesome doc will be happy to give me his opinion. The phone is so heavy though!! OK, I'll call...

afraidofsurgery said:
Well, I haven't had a primary care physician since I was in grad school and had to go to the school clinic. That's partly why I can't get in - I'm seeiing a doc I don't go to regularly, and yes the urgent care office will be packed!

I suppose if I call my cardiologist's office my awesome doc will be happy to give me his opinion. The phone is so heavy though!! OK, I'll call...

I am sure your cardio will give you guidance as this could affect your heart issues. Please struggle with that heavy phone - you can do it.;) :D ;)
OK things look OK

OK things look OK

Well, I never get sick, really, except for the occasional sinus infection, and my cario will prescribe for me over the phone antibiotics for that. I've known him for 10 years so I think this is OK. Of course I have an OB/gyn and Psych, and really like those docs so I'm not willing to turn their funcitons over to a PCP (long as I have insurance that will allow me to do so).

I talked to my cardio, and he said since I have no symptoms, no recent injuries/cuts/sores/dental problem, it's probably nothing and I should forget about it. He also reassured me it was most likely not a tumor (he knows how I think!!) since those don't hurt when you touch them, and it's not my thyroid since that's in a different position.

Whew! I'll wait for my friday appt, maybe it'll go away b4 then.



Cardiologists are specialists who treat the cardiovascular system.
They're not primary care physicians or internists.

In 1985, when I was told I needed a hysterectomy, the first OB/GYN said he would also perform an appendectomy, even though I had never had appendicitis, "Because I'll be in there anyway."
I got a 2nd opinion. That OB/GYN said yes, you need surgery, but heck no, I won't do an appendectomy. He said that in case I sued him over the appendectomy, he had no defense, since an appendectomy is done by general (or whatever) surgeons, and an OB/GYN's area of expertise is the female reproductive system -- not the appendix.
I chose the 2nd OB/GYN. Had the hysterectomy, but not an appendectomy.

A cardiologist may be an M.D. (or D.O.) as a PCP or internist is. However, PCPs and internists are better suited for treating the entire body and sorting through symptoms to refer you on, as needed.

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