Help with Kaiser Appeal

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Well-known member
May 13, 2006
Newark, California
I have sent my appeal letter to Kaiser for the Home Testing Monitor. They sent me a letter telling me that on 12/11/06 they will call me on a conferance call with the board, I have 10 minutes to state my case.

This is a list that I have stressed in my letter:

l. Medicare Guidelines
2 Life long Coumadin user
3. Discomfort of continous needle vein sticks
4. I don't drive so it is very inconenient to go the the clinic
5. Incressed risk of infection in Lab waiting romm with sick people
6. I attached several aritcles to support Home Testing

Does anyone have any additions that I could mention during the Converance CAll with the Board? I will appreciate any help.

Thank you,
If you travel, your own testing unit is invaluable as travel can often cause our INR to flucuate.

Also, be sure and mention the studies that indicate people have better control of their INR with a home unit which will cost less in medical expenses in avoiding strokes due to bleeds and clots.

Best of luck to you.
I would spend some time thinking why it would benefit them. For example, with home testing, you are able to monitor your inr more closely which reduces risk which improves health thus saving them $.
What articles are you "armed" with. Maybe we can think of a few you don't have that might be helpful (and then again, maybe not.:eek: )

Good luck! I can't help but think of The Grand Inquisition!
Karlynn said:
What articles are you "armed" with. Maybe we can think of a few you don't have that might be helpful (and then again, maybe not.:eek: )

Good luck! I can't help but think of The Grand Inquisition!

Anticoagulation Forum:
Patient Advocacy in INR Self-Monitoring

Deparement of Health and Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services"
Subject: Coverage and Billing for Home INR Monitoring for Anticoasgulation Management

The Lancet Press Release, Feb. 2, 2006
Patients Capable of Self-Monitoring their Anticoagulation Therapy have survial benefit.

Virtual Medical Worlds, Jan. 26,2005
Heart patients on anticoagulants benefit from home self-testing using Raytel's INR@Home system

Any info greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Hi Jackie -

I am also with Kaiser here in Marin, and I asked the Warfarin Clinic about a home test unit, and was told that QAS (who sponsors this wonderful forum) was the manufacturer of choice for Kaiser patient's home test units. I downloaded the paperwork and gave it to my doctor, and she filled it out.

I got off the phone with QAS a few minutes ago, and my new unit should be here sometime next week.

Are they refusing to sign a prescription for a unit, or are they refusing to pay for the unit? I am paying for my unit. Kaiser patients get a break on the cost.

Best of luck. As the others have stated, arm yourself with as much information as you can...


Swill said:
Hi Jackie -

I am also with Kaiser here in Marin, and I asked the Warfarin Clinic about a home test unit, and was told that QAS (who sponsors this wonderful forum) was the manufacturer of choice for Kaiser patient's home test units. I downloaded the paperwork and gave it to my doctor, and she filled it out.

I got off the phone with QAS a few minutes ago, and my new unit should be here sometime next week.

Are they refusing to sign a prescription for a unit, or are they refusing to pay for the unit? I am paying for my unit. Kaiser patients get a break on the cost.

Best of luck. As the others have stated, arm yourself with as much information as you can...



Hi Swill,

I am a Kaiser patient in Fremont. The anticoagulation clinic has also told me the Hemosense was the only monitor that they recomended, but I would be the first patient to have one.k
My Cardio would not write scrip because he said they were not reliable and dangerous. My PCP did write scrip, however when it was faxed to QAS, 3 months later, I was told that Medicare would not pay because my Medicare had been turned over to Kaiser. Kaiser said they would not pay because it was not in their benefits. I was never informed by either Kaiser of QAS that Kaiser patients get a break. I have been told by Kaiser and Medicare that Kaiser must follow guiidelines set by Medicare, doesn't make any sense to me, why is this not followed?

Can you let me know how much of a break they give Kaiser Patients?
I have been wondering how you were getting on there Jackie...

Good Luck with this...I hope you get your home-tester...
Jackie said:
My Cardio would not write scrip because he said they were not reliable and dangerous.
I love it when they come up with stuff like that. Eventually evidence based medicine is going to give all us doctors a good hard kick in the rear, and maybe we'll stop spouting gut feelings as if they were facts.
If you'll PM your email address to me, I have dozens of peer reviewed journal articles espousing ( <- good word!) the benefits of home testing and can email them to you.
The key is you have to convince them it's in their best interest to have you home test. Do you faint when you get blood drawn? If you do you can hit your head and suffer an expensive intracrainial bleed. While your out on one of your extensive travels, if you aren't in range and don't have a Kaiser facility nearby, you could have a stroke and be admitted to an non-Kaiser hospital (read: expensive). I think you see what the key here is.
Things they don't care about:
l. Medicare Guidelines
2. Discomfort of continuous needle vein sticks
3. I don't drive so it is very inconvenient to go the the clinic
4. Increased risk of infection in Lab waiting room with sick people
Good luck with it. Don't take no for an answer. What's the worst they can do to you? Say "no"? At worst you're back at square one.
Pardon my rambling, but here goes.

First of all you need to be aware that your conference call is not with “the Board”. In likelihood this is a committee that goes by several names, namely “the Benefits Committee (better known as the benefits denial group.

I would suggest several scenarios. First off, make it clear that you are an informed and intelligent consumer of healthcare. You have independently done a large amount of research on the internet both the usual Goggle searches as well as using the National Library of Medicine via "PubMed” (

You have also had friends with knowledge of statistics and cooperative medical professionals give you advice. Now, having made this statement, you will ask them what their groups qualifications are in dealing with anticoagulation therapy. First, are any of you certified anticoagulation certified experts? Second, are any of you hematologists? Third, do any of you manage at least 30 anticoagulation patients in your medical practice? How much time in clinical practice per week do you have patient contact? I would suspect that they do not see patients more than 6 hours a week; the rest is in administrative function.

Then say, “I’m sure that you have reviewed the medical literature as I have. Would you be kind enough to send me your complete bibliography of articles that you have read about this subject, both the pro and con articles.

Have you looked at the Meta analysis performed by Cigna? Have you looked at any other Meta analysis? (

Aside from the medical facts regarding home testing, I suspect that a significant concern is the financial outlay for the device. I am curious, what do you pay to an outside lab to perform an INR? What is your in house Kaiser cost to perform the test? My friends with other insurances indicate that the labs charge between 25-50 for the test but get reimbursed in the range of 8-15. This latter figure is well within the range of the cost of home testing supplies. The only difference is the amortized cost of the machine itself. The literature is very clear that the risk of stroke or major bleeding complications is significantly less in home testing. If I were to have such a complication, what is the average hospital, clinical, rehabilitation costs of the complications? How does this compare to the cost of the machine?

If they bring up the question of accuracy, point out that the literature strongly supports the accuracy of home testing. However, there is a large body of literature that shows that even minor errors in the handling of ordinary laboratory samples can lead to large variations in the calculated INR.
Dr. Alan,

Thank you for your response. From what I have been told by the Senior Case Manager, Member Case Resolution Center, I will only present my case and not ask questions of the members of the Committee. The committee may ask questions for clarification after my presentation. The committee will have read all information previously sent by me. The committee discussion and decision making will take place after I leave.

I wish I could ask the questions that you mentioned. Maybe I need to hire someone to represent me at the conference I loose my confidence when put in a position like this.

I am looking at the letter I was sent and is does say the conference will be to the Regional Aplpleals Committee.
A question ends with a question mark of punctuation. A Declarative sentence ends with a period. I have done some medical malpractice testifying and changing a question to a declarative is a good way to get the item up on the table for discussion. Be polite but firm about making declarative sentences. Don't be intimidated by physicians and administrators.
Go get 'em Jackie!

"I would like to know if any of you certified anticoagulation certified experts."

"I would like to know if any of you are hematologists."

"I would like to know if any of you manage at least 30 anticoagulation patients in your medical practice."

"I would like to know how much patient contact you have in clinical practice per week."

"I would like to know..."

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