It's an interesting time for me. I'm busier than I want to be but unwilling to give up anything. Truly a blessing. Sooner or later I'll reach a point where I do everything "equally poorly".

The harder I work, the more I need the exercise.
Ran a local 5k this weekend. Despite trying to catch-up over Thanksgiving, my time was slower than 6 weeks ago, but not by much. Here's a race report:
Cold 25F overnight.
Chilly 35F at the start.
No wind.
Wore long sleeves and long pants with a windbreaker and head band.
Strapped on the HRM and set it for 150-160 BPM
Shed the head band and windbreaker half-way through.
Mile 1 9:19 149 BPM 76% Max
Mile 2 9:29 155 BPM 80% Max
Mile 3.1 9:59 160 BPM 85% Max
Total time 28:47 9:17 Pace
Max HR 172 BPM 95% Max
4 minute recovery HR 108 64% Max
It's odd that my Mile 2 performance didn't follow the expected trend, but I chalk it up to my always taking 2 miles to warm up.
Otherwise the HR strategy continues to serve me well. Regardless of how well (or poorly) I prepare for an event, the HR is my throttle. Also, I better sensing my perceived exertion more in sync with the HR. I glanced at the monitor only a few times and Voila! I was right on target!
Feel fine afterward. Christmas decorating contortions without stiffness.
The young man that I did a Tri with 2 months ago also did this 5k. We were chatting about HR's. He commented that he doesn't take his Resting Rate early in the morning because he doesn't want to strap on his HRM. The obvious suggestion would be to explain how to take your pulse. Instead, I told him that I just have to be quiet and listen to mine click. After his jaw dropped, I explained the valve.
Will join a marathon relay team with church folks for White Rock this weekend. I'll run the 15-20 mile leg that played with my head in previous marathons. This time I shall conquer it, not endure it!
Local sprint tri Feb 25th is next training goal. Need to get cracking, because I've been away from the bike and the pool too long. They are using a different tri format - more on that in another post.