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VR.com Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
We have held our main meeting out on the ocean and have determined the following locations and dates for the next 2 VR.com reunions:

We have determined that we will have 2 reunions per year (Summer and Winter).

Summer 2007
June 20th - 24th 2007
Durango Colorado

Winter 2008
January 30th - February 3rd 2008
Orlando Florida

Start making plans now!!
Don't know about Florida but any

Don't know about Florida but any

excuse to go to Durango!! Durango is such a beautiful western town. I suppose Rain has filled you in on the train ride from Durango to Silverton. Great choice!!! I think Wayne and I will pencil that reunion in!

Christina L
I like the thought of a Colorado reunion, but DANG! Durango is 1252 Miles away!:eek: :eek:
I guess we'll plan on seeing you all in the winter of 2008!:)
But DANG! that seems like a long Time away!:p :p
Mary said:
I like the thought of a Colorado reunion, but DANG! Durango is 1252 Miles away!:eek: :eek:
I guess we'll plan on seeing you all in the winter of 2008!:)
But DANG! that seems like a long Time away!:p :p

Maybe someone :) would like to spear-head a reunion in the midwest area to close the gap?????:D


I love the idea of Durango. My wife and I once bicycled from Durango to Silverton, Telluride, etc. I bet the road from Durango to Silverton was where I blew out my heart valve! Three climbs in excess of 10,000 feet in 1 day. It is unbelievably beautiful.
Hmmm.. I am partial to a Northeastern..or possibly mid atlantic???

altho Florida over my birthday.. That sounds like fun!:D
I put a post on this thread

I put a post on this thread

and then withdrew it. Wayne and I would LOVE to travel to Durango again. It IS just so beautiful down there and the train ride from Durango to Silverton is something to behold I guess. A very western town and just recently in the Denver Post they told of the many restaurants in Durango - more than any other town in Colorado.

BUT, Gina your suggestion of a riverboat cruise piques my interest too. I have always wanted to do one of those. I am from Iowa and there probably would be nothing better than the food on a riverboat cruise (Midwestern cooking ya know - the best!) and the Mississipi River is gorgeous. In the fall, along the river in Northern Iowa and Illinois - would be so colorful.

Anyway...lots to consider. There are just too many great places to visit in the good ole USA, I guess.

Christina L
This was the year for the TallStacks celebration in Cincinnati. There were about 12 riverboats of all sizes that visited our city. Our company took a dinner cruise on one of them and it was wonderful. We got back just in time to watch a fireworks display from the top deck.

I think a few days on the Delta Queen or the Mississippi Queen would be wonderful.

Orlando sounds great to me but I do not travel in the winter, even to warm places. Colorado is just too far at this time in my life, although I really love the state.

It is so very hard to cover all the bases so we just might have to do some true regional reunions as well as the national ones.
Have had my share of organizing;) Would be happy to attend a Chicago reunion:).

Other locations sound great! We have something major slated for the month of June....but I will do my best to get over to Durango! Rain...will kids be attending? Orlando in Jan/Feb. You bet! I would rather be warm!

PS> Few of us are meeting next Sunday in the Chicago area. If you are interested...there is a thread going.
Durango... reminds me of that old CW McCall song... "...Wolf Creek Pass, Way up on the Great Divide, Trucking on down, The other side... to downtown Pagosa Springs..." Love that fun song and Durango is pretty cool too. CW did another song about the Silverton, the most beautiful narrow-gauge train ride we have ever taken...
Riverboat has my vote!

Riverboat has my vote!

Although I am new to the site, I can see a trip lazing down the Mississippi. Sounds like heaven to me.

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