Updates from the 2006 Reunion!

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VR.com Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
Greetings folks. My wife adn my eldest daughter have arrived in Long Beach after our 6 hour drive from AZ.

We are looking forward to meeting new friends and hooking up with old friends at dinner tonight.

Post your 2006 Reunion Updates here in this thread!
I hope you all have a wonderful cruise and great times together. I'm sure you will and I wish I could have gone too. This is the first reunion I missed since I joined the site and I'm not liking that very much at all!
Been to Bonanza and Back!

Been to Bonanza and Back!

Just got back from a very nice dinner in Long Beach at the Bonanza Steakhouse, with some of the 2006 Reunion Cruise Crew! My husband and I got to see Hank and Michelle again; and met their daughter, Emily; and met Michelle's folks and brother; and also met a workmate of Hank's; and we saw Rain and her husband, Virgil, again; and met their son and daughter, Ryan and Sarah; and we met Mike; and we met Debbie. I think there were about 15 of us there out under a pleasant, striped-awning-covered patio, enjoying perfect weather, five of whom were "valvers."

If that wasn't fun enough, and it was plenty of fun, Hank dialed up Ross and passed the phone around the tables for us valvers to get to talk to him -- now that was an extra treat!!! Thanks Hank and thanks Ross!!!

"Safe sailing" to the 2006 Reunion Cruise Crew!!!
There's to be none of this "What happens at the VR Reunion stays at the VR Reunion" balogna!!!!! Start forking it over!!!
Karlynn said:
There's to be none of this "What happens at the VR Reunion stays at the VR Reunion" balogna!!!!! Start forking it over!!!
I agree with Karlynn! PICTURES, PICTURES:D :D
Hope you all have a Great Time!:cool:
come 'on.. the rest of us have to live vicariously through your pictures and stories.. start spilling the beans!
Nope, Ross, no scar contest. :rolleyes: Mine is just WAY too inappropriate to show!!!:eek: It was nice "meeting" you over the phone, though.

I had a nice time last night, too. I think Karlynn said a nice thing about the VR reunions is that we get to meet REAL people, not just crazy online weirdos. (That would be me, of course! :p ) It was great to finally meet Hank and his family, Rain and her family, and Susan, and Mike, my valve repair "twin." Mike and I joked about his being six months ahead of me in recovery. Other than knowing from visiting this site that I'm not the only one who's gone through this, it was nice to actually meet other "valvers" in person.

I'm looking forward to our next VR reunion...Vegas, anyone? My hubby promised he'd come if we met in Vegas. He goes there often for business trips. Seriously!

:D Debi (debster913)
First Pics from Paradise!

First Pics from Paradise!

Well here are the first of Me, My Wife and my lovely daughter Michelle on the cruise.

Some fine diningwas to be had and I thing we are up to the challenge of large quantities of lobster tomorrow night.
Our baby

Our baby

I wanted to post a picture of my new best friend.

We had another great day on catalina Island. We are at sea right now after cramming 4 lobster tails down,... Yum-Yum!!

Tomorrow in Ensenada.

I have a lot more pics, but it takes too long to upload when I am paying by the minute via satellite on the ship.

More later - It's midnight and I am tired!!..

Great Photos HanK!
Your family is Beautiful!

the ship looks Huge..
Sounds like a great time!!
Oh man!!

Oh man!!

Looks like you are having beautiful weather and what I wouldn't give to be on that cruise ship with y'all. It looks wonderful!

Hank - your daughter is a beautiful girl - she is a combination of both you and your wife, I think.

Have a great time and send more photos!! You aren't in Vegas you know! ;)

Christina L
Rains Family

Rains Family

We are once again honored to have Rain here with us. And this time she brought her whole family,

Here is Ryan, Sarah, Rain and Virgil....
Can see I missed a good time!

Ok, VR.com Baja Cruise photo contest winners are..............

1st Lance and Philip from QAS. Priceless photo guys:D Can't recall which one of you was camera shy? Looks like you have overcome it!

2nd place to lovley Eyring family. First time I have seen Hank in a tie.;)

Thanks for sharing.:)
Reunion Comments

Reunion Comments

Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the cruise on the Paradise - it was a very relaxing get-away, and what fun to be on the ocean after months in AZ.
Sorry I couldn't dine with the group, but it was fun to meet eveyone later on. And a very special Hello! to Brigitta and Don from NM. Do let me know if you'll be in AZ, too!:)
I may not make a reunion in higher elevations, but will try to get to another one sometime. The cruise was a terrific idea, I loved it.
Sue in Tucson (Who's cat is very happy to have me home - he brought me a mouse and dropped it at my feet 10 min. after being let outside).:eek:


Hi Everyone
Well we got home late last night. We spent several days with my youngest daughter in San Diego before & after the cruise. I can see why she wanted to move there now. The costal drive from San Diego to L.A. was breath taking.
The reunion was great! Meet some new people and greatly miss some of the old.Is anyone still feel like they are still on the ship. For once I had no trouble slepping last night but Mike said, he couldn't sleep. This has got to be a first for him in 34 years I don't think that he has trouble sleeping ever.

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