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Today is my 15th anniversary of my mitral valve replacement! My children were 5 and 7 when I had my surgery. Now my son is a college graduate and my daughter will be in December. I was a Mom of young children and now I'm a GRANDMA! Time flies when you're having fun!!!!! Thanks be to God.
Could you have even imagined that sweet picture - your baby and his baby ;) - all of those years ago? And more babies to come I am sure. You are blessed - and you are a blessing to the rest of us. My God continue to bless you richly!!
Congratulations, Karlynn! You've had the joy of watching your children grow up in those 15 years and now you have the joy of grandparenthood. Life is good and we wish you many more happy and healthy years.
Karlynn -

Karlynn -

Congratulations on your 15-year anniversary. That is wonderful. You have had a great life so far - a "Glammaw" and all. You need to look forward to your great-grandchildren now. The photos you are posting of your granddaughter are wonderful to see - keep em coming. :)

May God continue to bless -

Christina L
Congratulations Karlynn! Your trusty valve has taken you a long way! Many more.

Hope I can be saying the same in another 8! Though my child will just be finishing high school;). She was 2 at the time of my MVR. Kudos to any woman that can manage that surgery and young ones at the same it! Let's pat ourselves on the back!:D
Thanks for sharing that, Karlynn!! And huge congratulations!

Time is the wonderful gift we are given!

:D Marguerite

I am almost a teenager and you are almost driving.

Congratulations on 15 years and all the changes that have come with it. Surely this is the best of times.
Karlyn, I know you think of these years as a special gift and they truly are! When you would write about how bad you were feeling when your children were so small I could only imagine how hard that had to be. I think I finally found my calling when I had grandchildren. I do things I never would have imagined with them and they have truly brought untold joy into my life. I'm glad you are blessed in the same way.
Karlynn, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! You are so special to all of us here. Although you and I have never met, I feel we have a lot in common...having had our replacements when our children were young. And our St. Jude valves have been very good to us and now we are here enjoying our grandbabies!:) God is indeed good. May you have many, many more anniversaries. LINDA

Lots and lots of good wishes for another happy 15 years with your valve. You'll get to see it go to college, get married, have "baby valves," and maybe even "grandbaby valves." ;)

I love your signature, by the way. That same Bible verse was on the back of a get-well card I received after my surgery, and my mom even bought me a little plaque that has the same verse on it. It's been my inspiration since my surgery, too. We valvers certainly have a bright future ahead, don't we? :cool:

Debi (debster913)
Oh, by the way, are you going to have a big blow-out Super Sweet Sixteenth birthday party for your valve next year? Maybe you can be on that MTV program "My Super Sweet Sixteen"--that show cracks me up how fussy those kids are, and how spoiled! Now my 15-year-old niece wants a huge party for hers next year. Yeah, right. :p
A blessing:

A blessing:

Karlynn: Your 15th anniversary brought to mind a blessing we used to say with our children over breakfast. I can't remember if I wrote it, or one of my best friends-or if it was collaboration. But I hope to remember the words and sentiment forever. It should remind us of the foundation of our blessings.

“Our Father every day You give the food by which our bodies live.
For this we thank you from our hearts, and pray that as we this day start,
You might allow our eyes to see your endless generosity.
And grant that when we thus are filled, we might do only what You’ve willed.”

Tonight I think of you as very “filled” with the generosity of God.

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